La Comparative "1984" and nowadays.
Enviado por Sandra Rubio Agatón • 15 de Enero de 2018 • Ensayo • 979 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 106 Visitas
Are we living in George Orwell´s 1984? Possibly. Living today may be more disturbing than the dystopian novel could have predicted. George Orwell was a British novelist who penned 1984 over 69 years ago. Has a novel created more of an impact in conspiracy theories or legitimate political talk than 1984? In fact, Orwellian is such a common talk that the Webster´s New World College dictionary claims it means:
Of or like the society portrayed by Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty-four, characterized by totalitarian government, irrational political concepts, the politicization of everyday language, etc.
With this definition in mind, we can find some disturbing things in his novel going on in today´s world.
In 1984, one of the brainwashing constituents is that the goal of world destruction is apparent. History is rewritten as it´s being done today. Artefacts and documentation from antiquity being systematically destroyed in the world war zones, books rewritten for schoolchildren forcing them to think what they are told instead of how to think, writers and actors producing so-called documentaries while taking massive historic liberties banning the truth or embellishing it for consumption of mass entertainment are some examples of the world destruction nowadays.
Is Big brother watching you? In the same way as the novel is portrayed, our police departments have the equipment to relicense plate numbers, to check personal information as well as verification of registration and insurance. Citizens need licenses, school IDs, Social Security numbers and zip codes to prove who they are. There are chips in our credit and bank cards for security purposes making it far easier for the government to monitor transactions through the chip. The government assures their flagged and notified by banks when deposits or withdrawals are too large. Student loans and financial aid for college is based upon recording every cent parents make. Also, gun ownership is monitored and we are asked to register all weapons we carry. This makes it easier for our government to come calling when it wants to ban weapons by force or to confiscate your monies during a national emergency.
Another brainwashing constituent in 1984 are the telescreens. There are telescreens on every corner which monitors citizens´ actions 24/7. The government also release propaganda, slanted news and approved entertainment. In our current world, on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, the government corporations, as well as hackers, monitor citizens´ like, dislikes, photos, and even private information. There are also fitness trackers which compile our personal and physical activity and anyone can send this to a website to track their progress, and although the owners say the websites are safe, our information is being sold to data collecting agencies. Then the government can pinpoint who is physically in shape and who isn´t.
In 1984 there is a mind control through paranoia, press, education, and language. All citizens partake in a two minutes’ hate session against the so-called enemy. This sounds very similar to our political process, where two parties hold a convention and come out spewing hate against the other party. We are expected to hate people of another group, colour or ancestry. Winston also controls the flow of false information. We can see this in our news media. They control, along with the government, what they want us to hear. In the novel, they replace words to make them nicer like we do in our educational system in order not to offend anyone. We allow the dumbing down of our students, where they can barely communicate without feeling fear. Students no longer think for themselves but think what they were told.