- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Opinion About Metamorphosis

Enviado por   •  1 de Diciembre de 2014  •  200 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  159 Visitas

Name: Andrea Mejía Barzola

Course: Idiomas A1

Opinion about the first chapter of the book Metamorphosis

Well, this chapter is really interesting and exciting, even when is kind of difficult to

Understand it, because of the language that the writer used.

Everyone should think beyond of one nice story, but we can treat to reflect, what the Writer

Wanted to express, and in my opinion, it is about the fear of the rejection or the

Discrimination because in this society some people treat well or being polite with those

Who satisfies their interests or receives any benefit. But they treat different or in a scornful

Way to poor people, ill people, whoever be different and think different to them.

I also think that we should not be selfish and unfeeling with others. We should give our

Help to those who need it, especially with our family. Being good with everyone, in

Addition, you do not if any moment you could suffer any type of situation and you are not

Going to receive that help that you expect.

Finally make the family trust in you. I mean no matter which problems they could have,

They need to know that you are going to be there, to support them.


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