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Speech I Have A Dream

Enviado por   •  1 de Febrero de 2015  •  272 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  395 Visitas

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I have a dream.

This speech of Martin Luther King is one of the most famous, it was on 1963 on Washington, DC, this speech made that a lot of people realized that there’s no difference between the negros and the White people, it talks about all the years that the negros leave with a lot of injustice, discrimination, also they were poor people and they were treated as slaves.

The negros went to cash a check, this check ensure them that they will be like the White people, it means that they would have the same rights, that it will not exist discrimination anymore, but discover that the nation had cheated them and they gave them a bad check.

King wanted that his four children some day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, that White people and black people could live together, he thought that it was unfair that the negros can’t vote. He wanted that the White people realice that all of they are exactly the same as the negro people, they have the same rights, and he also thought that all people (White and blacks) are God’s sons. The negros don’t wanted to do something to the White people, they only fighted for their freedom, they wanted to be happy.

Martin Luther King was one of the most brave negro that convinced others to make true the dreams that they had, because thanks he, now a days black people are free, they can live like White people, they can be happy and also they can live almost without discrimination.


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