Corazon Valiente Resumen
Enviado por Felipa06 • 11 de Septiembre de 2015 • Ensayo • 1.482 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 808 Visitas
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Felipa Recalt ,Magali Laforcada, Solange Cisnero y Rocio Rojas. Curso:503 |
Name of the film: Braveheart
Director: Randall Wallace Mel Gibson-
Main actors: Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan
Year: 1995
Set in: XIII Century in Scotland
William Wallace, lost his family in the hands of the English, he was driven from their lands and has since passed to Argay tutelage of his uncle, who took him abroad to give a good education. As a young back to their lands in Scotland. Scots see him emerge the hero they needed, because at that time Scotland was called no man's land, meeting all these people repressed freedom.
In the movie “Braveheart” epic film based on the life of the Scottish national hero William Wallace, we find the "problem reflected in the protagonist must choose between fighting for the freedom of Scotland, which involves organizing his people and expose their or lives, continue to accept the permanent abuse of the English.
His love for his homeland Scotland, constantly abused by the English army.
The love he felt for his father Malcolm Wallace, who died in the battle front.
The pain that produces the abuse suffered by women.
The yearning for freedom of the protagonist and his people.
The murder of Murron McGlannough , the beloved of William Wallace and with whom he had married in secret , after the Scottish hero prevents that she was raped by the British.
Wallace decides to lead the Scots who want to be free and revenge for many abuses suffered
With the hope that someday they will continue to struggle free , supporting neither all kinds of treachery and torture, arriving to give their lives, without yielding to the English nor the minute of his death, with his cry of freedom.
With his charisma , courage, great confidence and intelligence brings together many volunteers, and inspire all people to take up arms against the British and carried his crusade to total war. His people believe in him and are committed to this challenge , one of its most important ally’s childhood friend Hamish Campbell , who remains faithful unto death . English burn strong , initiating many battles with the English, who despite being outnumbered , trailed by the ingenuity of William Wallace in combat.
At that time reigned in England the cruel King Edward I, nicknamed "Longshanks", who planned strategies to defeat
The townspeople to see the nobles who do not want a confrontation, but want a treaty with England to have land and power, they begin to lose heart and flee. Wallace sees the Scots ready to fight characterized with a blue camouflage their faces, but with their hearts full of fear.
With a firm, calm and clear attitude, he puts in front of them and said:
"If they stay and fight, maybe they die. If flee, they may live, but will never be free ... "and ends:" They can kill the body, but they can never take away freedom "..."!
After the victory, Wallace is named "Guardian of Scotland" by nobles, but is aware of opportunism and disunity of these, to which Longshanks has bought with bribes. The hesitant Robert Bruce heir to the throne of Scotland, is torn between the advice of his leprous father to agree with England and his desire to follow in the footsteps of Wallace.
Aware that the enemy would invades the north of England and conquest York.
Wallace and theirs reorganize the resistance. The nobles who betrayed him in Falkirk die by their hand. Wallace already has become a myth and is more dangerous than ever for the English. However, he knows that without the support of the nobility, there is nothing to do. So you risk to join them in Edinburgh, at the request of Bruce (who really wants to be on your side). But the other noble have other plans and Wallace is captured by the English, to the despair of the young Bruce, who fault of the deceit to its dying father.
Wallace is taken to London, condemned for treason , tortured and brutally beheaded after shouting FREEDOM !! . But their sacrifice was not in vain. Edward I of England dies and is succeeded by the weak and effeminate Eduardo II . Years later Robert Bruce is king of Scotland, but should kowtow to the English monarch.
Instead , Bruce decides to fight and harangue to his soldiers saying, "You have bled with Wallace , sangrad me now ." Defeat at the Battle of Bannockburn ( 1314 ) to an English army superior in number. Scotland is already free .