Essay music classes
Enviado por Mane Acuña • 5 de Agosto de 2018 • Ensayo • 898 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 173 Visitas
Should music classes be compulsory?
Music is part of our lives, our dreams and illusions. It makes us feel relax, calm, comfortable, happy, sad, or angry, depending on our personalities or what we want to feel in a specific moment. But, have you ever thought about the relevance of music in education? This essay will demonstrate the importance of music classes and why should them be compulsory in schools, some of the reasons are music classes improve learning, encourage creativity and team work, and finally, enriched a person for life.
In Chile, music classes have a long history. First of all, this subject was declared compulsory in primary school on May 26, 1883, and ten years later in secondary school. Although it was declared mandatory, the 1363 decree declares the end of this obligation, giving it a symbolic and elective character. Nowadays, it is an optional subject in our schools, denying to students the opportunity to take advantage of music classes.
Music influences many areas of our brain, helping in the development of the brain functions and one of these functions are the cognitive function. Music activates a particular part of our brain related with the ability of learning and this activation enhance memorization, understanding and the students’ attention, helping them to process and remember information, for example, through the rhythm and melody of a song students can memorized in an easier way a poem. In addition, certain kinds of music can create an ideal learning atmosphere where students feel prepared, focused and motivated to learn no matter the subject. According to Johnson, C. M. & Memmott, J. E. (2007) “Students in high-quality school music programs score higher on standardized tests compared to students in schools with deficient music education programs, regardless of the socioeconomic level of the school or school district.” (p.293)
Music classes during school period help students to encourage creativity and team work, which are important skills in our society to get a job. Music education provides students originality and flexibility which are the main components of innovation. Moreover, music has an impact on social development, which increase the student’s opportunity to interact with others, for example, being a member of a musical group leads social skills and friendship be promoted. Hallam and Prince (2000) stated “The most frequently cited benefits were not related to the development of musical skills but social skills, enjoyment of music, teamwork, a sense of achievement, confidence and self-discipline. Other transferable skills included, concentration, physical coordination, creativity and listening skills.” (p. 68)
Lastly, schools who expose students to music classes, are playing an important role in their lives, giving them the opportunity to play an instrument or sing a song, they create an influential tool, which make students better persons, more emphatic and sensitive. Also helps them to face the music, to confront the reality outside the school and try to change it. Chorus America (2003) argued that choral vocalists are more prone than normal people to participate in charity work, as volunteers and as benefactors. Choral artists are also interested in political process and in different art expressions – not only music.