Manos Milagrosas
Enviado por juanjosbayas • 8 de Junio de 2014 • 405 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 278 Visitas
The principal character Ben Carson was an Afro-American boy who grew up in a family where only his mother took care of him and his brother, he didn´t have good grades at school; his brother and he stayed too much time watching the TV in a day, and he discovered that he need to use glasses. Their mother was the single person who started to do things in order to help her children. She left the school when she was in third grade and she didn´t want the same future for her children. She had to attend to a psychological treatment because she had some personal problems. By the time she was there, she ordered to her children that they had to stop watching too much television and they had to start reading two books each week to give her a summary of them. These “laws” brought great consequences in the children because they raised their grades at school.
Since this moment, Ben started to enhance his intelligence. He learnt how to multiply. He discovered a passion of reading books. He started to read a lot of books and he also learnt how to spell the words correctly. He also started to show a bad behavior, which could change all his life, however he could leave it with God´s help. One time at his school he couldn´t control his anger and he was about to kill one of his classmates. Fortunately, his partner survived to this attack. Therefore, he had decided to change since almost killed someone.
He became the best student of the eighth grade and the third in all his school. He started to work hard and, for this reason, he earned a scholarship at the Yale University. Then he passed the medicine´s exam that allowed him to go to the Medicine School and studied to be a neurosurgeon.
When Ben started to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland, he had to fight against the adversities of his colleagues and also other students that were there. In this place, he made his first surgery like a resident without supervision in order to save a life. This could cost him his medicine career; however, he do it and it was a success. After some years, he made, as the first time in the history, the separation of two twins with success. For these reasons he was known as a neurosurgeon with a lot of talent.