- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Teen Beach Movie Play

Enviado por   •  23 de Junio de 2015  •  1.627 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  257 Visitas

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Brady: 1962, surfers, bikers. Best movie ever made. West Side Story.

Mackenzie: How can you two like this silliness? Especially you, grandpa.

Big Poppa (grandpa): Silliness? Mack, my dear, this movie defined an entire culture.

Brady: A surfer guy and a biker girl share a secret love, while trying to unite the rivaling gangs.

Mackenzie: Silliness? Really?

Aunt Antoinette comes in

Mackenzie: Hi Aunt Antoinette.

Aunt Antoinette: (on the phone) Ok, call me later bye! (hangs up). Hello Mackenzie, have you packed already? We’re leaving tomorrow.

Brady: What?!

Aunt Antoinette: (interrupts Brady) Oh, hello, father. I see you're still making surfboards. Oh, don't tell me you still have that surfboard.

Big Poppa (grandpa): It's part of the family. Me, my grandfather, and my father, we each found our destiny on it. And now it’s Macks turn.

Brady: What do you mean by leaving tomorrow?

Mackenzie: Brady, I’m leaving to study to another school.

Brady: You’re leaving! Just like that!

Mackenzie: I’m sorry! I didn’t know how to tell you.

Brady: Aren’t you happy here? Tell me!

Mackenzie: This is my mom’s journal, this is what she wrote: "Most of all, I dream that my daughter becomes a great success, that she isn't just pulled through life.” That’s why I have to go.

Brady: What about us?

Mackenzie: I’m sorry. Anyways thanks for the best summer ever.

The next day at the beach

Brady: What’s up?

Mackenzie: How did you know I was going to be here?

Brady: I knew you couldn't stay away from surf like this.

Mackenzie: Okay. Check out what I'm about to do.

Mackenzie goes surfing and Big Poppa comes in

Big Poppa: Hey, I don't like the looks of the sky.

Brady: What is she doing?

Big Poppa: She's not paddling in.

Brady: This isn't good. She is in trouble!

Brady goes into the water, and saves Mackenzie

Brady: Mack! Come on. Don't do it.

Mackenzie: No, I have to!

Brady: Don't do it, Mack!

In The Movie

Brady: You okay?

Mackenzie: What did you do?

Brady: I tried to save you. This is the part where you tell me I'm your hero, and then, you shower me with kisses.

Mackenzie: I didn't need saving .This is my last chance to ride that monster wave before I leave forever.

Brady: You hear that? We’re in my favorite movie!

Surf crazy song

Brady: That was awesome!

At Big Momma’s

Brady: Uh what up?

Seacat:. Where do you come from?

Brady and Mackenzie (together): Right, not far, but, um... close... far.

Seacat: This is Big Momma's, the restaurant where the surfers and bikers all hang.

Brady: Bikers?

Seacat: Each gang wants the other one gone so the others can have it for themselves.

________ (surfer): Bikers are coming!

________ (surfer): Here comes Butchy, the leader of the motorcycle gang, The Rodents!

Bikers come in

_________ (biker): Surfers.

_________ (bikers): Thought I smelled something fishy.

__________ (surfer): Rodents. I knew I should’ve laid some traps.

__________ (surfer): Thought you were exterminated.

__________ (biker): And I thought you surfers were all washed up.

__________ (biker): Yeah, because clearly, youse is drips.

Gigi: You should make like the ocean and wave good-bye. Butchy wants this place to himself.

Struts: Yeah, Butchy wants this place all to himself.

Seacat: Sorry, but Big Momma's is only for surfers.

Butchy: I'm so very sorry, but that might not probably happen.

Tanner: Excuse me. Excuse me, excuse me. Excuse me, excuse. What?

Butchy: I'll show you what.

Cruisin for a Bruisin song

Mackenzie: Brady are you listening to me? My future is waiting for me!

Brady: We need to figure out how to go. So we came in on that storm, right?

Mackenzie: So we have to wait for a storm to get out of here?

Brady: What are we gonna do in the meantime?

Seacat: Hey we’re having a party at Big Momma’s tonight, you guys should come!

Brady: Sounds amazing!

At the party

Seacat: Hey, Giggles, I like your moves!

Giggles: It ain't moving them that's the problem, Seacat. It's getting them to stop.

________ (biker): So, boss, how we gonna get Big Momma's to be only a biker joint?

Butchy: Shut up, I'm thinking.

Gigi: And how long is that gonna take?

Butchy: Great, now I got two things to think about. We're not gonna let a bunch of surfers spoil our very fine evening.

Gigi: Big Momma's is like a second home to me... if I had a first one.

Lila: Sodas for everyone!

Butchy: Thanks, sis. Those surfers weren't bothering you, were they?

Lila: No, of course not. They're not so, bad.

Gigi: All surfers are bad.

Struts: Yeah all surfers are bad.

Lila: Ooh, it's almost time. Let's go, let's go! Our turn to sing.

Rascal: Hey, Big Momma, you sure know how to fry up a fish burger.

Big Momma: If you can catch it, Big Momma can cook it! Oh, boy, I gotta go.

Lila starts singing and everyone starts to dance

Mackenzie: I'm gonna head back to the beach and try and figure a way out of here.

Brady: This is the part of the movie we saw at your grandfather's, where the two leads get together.

Lila falls of the scenery and Brady catches her

Lila: You saved my life.

Brady: Not really. The stage is, like, two feet up.

Lila: Who are you?

Brady: I’m Brady

Tanner catches Mackenzie

Mackenzie: Um, sorry. I didn't see you.

Tanner: Now that you do, do you like what you see?

Mackenzie: Um yeah... sure.

Mackenzie: Brady, can I have a moment?


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