- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Actividad Effective Lectures Seminar

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Evelyn Michelle Animas Pérez 2700901

Effective Lectures Seminar

Nora Karina Valdez Castro


1. Think about a trending topic that you consider yourself to be an expert on:  sports, fashion, news, technology, etc.        

TV Shows

2. Select a topic that you feel comfortable talking about.        

Game of Thrones

  1. Provide a brainstorm of at least 3 recent events regarding the chosen topic.

Jon Snow dead,  Sansa escape, Stanis sacrifice ana war versus the Boltos,  Cersie and the Mother mercy, Arya got blind, Myrcella dead kiss, Drogon scape whit Daenerys, Tyrion king of Meree

4. Provide a brainstorm of at least 3 recent events regarding the chosen topic.

Make a list of the 10 common questions to be asked to an expert about the subject and think about your answers.

1. Is Jon Snow son of Ned Stark?

2. Who are the Targaryen?

3. What is the name of the Stark kids (including the bastard)?

4. Name the 5 ward wolfs

5. Who is the sister of Sir Loras Tyrell?

6. Name the 3 dragons of Daenerys

7. Who star teaching Sword fighting to Arya?

8. Why Obery Martel came to Kings Landing?

9. Who is Hodor?

  1. Who are the parents of Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella Baratheon?

Does knowing about the topic help?

Which tone helps you?

How would you describe the proper tone to present your subject?
Like telling a history

Did you notice the differences in the tones when asking the questions?
Not really

Which of the 6 steps would be the more difficult for you to put into practice?

Which would be the easiest one?
Be assertive

Explain if you were to give a 40min. presentation the importance of:


Asserting yourself


Your voice



When you want to know more about a topic that is of your interest, you must have thought to ask you want to make. If you had the opportunity to meet someone who also likes or is good or make your own. Having empathy, patience, understanding and care much help for more information. And above all leave a good and effective interaction.


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