- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

BEC writing.

Enviado por   •  26 de Marzo de 2017  •  Apuntes  •  410 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  84 Visitas

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BEC Higher

Roberto Taboada Oporto

Writing Part One - Question 1

The Following report aims to reflect the development in terms of profits or losses between products A, B and C in their first year in the market.

 Product A

As we can observe, during the first quarter of the year the selling of product A made more profits than B and C. By august, the product reach its highest level of results and had an important decrease from October to December of 5 thousands of dollars.

Product B

Profits for product B had the best performance in the market between the period of February to December with a constant increase in its profits. In December this products had more profits than products B and C.

Product C

The product that had less results was product C with an end of the year with losses. The first two quarters this product didn`t made any result. On August it had a slightly increase of one thousand of dollars but the next months continue it losses.

BEC Higher

Roberto Taboada Oporto

PART TWO - Question 2

Dear Sirs:

I am writing on behalf of our company XX exports. We are a Bolivian small company that his main purpose is to manufacture clothing with new ideas and materials to export them to Europe countries.

The reason for this letter is to apply to your grants offering and to create synergic with innovative ideas that expands worldwide. Since the last few years our demand of products have increase twice as our capacity of production was able to support, therefore we think that with the help of your institution we can grow our production with new facilities and in a near future a physical presence in some countries around Europe.

There has been a lot of troubles with our buyers around Europe because we cannot complete their orders in time. With the construction of a new facility we will improve our capacity of production and also we can start to adding new ideas to a new market that it acceptance about Bolivian clothes has rise up especially the last year.

In addition we have estimated that if we cover all the deliveries and also increase our production we will be able to duplicate our profits. For this reason we need your contribution so you can be part of this promise business.

Finally but not least, we wish to have the opportunity for a reunion in the next days so we can express personally our ideas.

Yours sincerely,

Roberto Taboada

XX Exports Manager Associate


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