Christopher Lockwood
Enviado por williamonit • 19 de Septiembre de 2014 • 254 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 270 Visitas
Teacher: Christopher Lockwood
First what is poverty? Condition where people's basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met.
In present days a lot of countries have problems of poverty is still seen as a global challenge and it is observed in all parts of the world. Over one billion people all arounde the world still live in poverty and many more hungry and vulnerable to environmental shocks or price volatility. Malnutriton continues to be one of the most serious problems of public health in the world and that has not recieved attention.
But we are going to talk specifically about India the first place of poverty in the world and Mexico number 61. And not only about poverty also about all that this brings.Even it seen like a big difference I think is not true actually this two countries have a lot in comon.
How we can help
We can reduce poverty and hunger through:
Investment in agriculture.
Job creation.
The expansion of social safety nets.
Increased nutrition programs targeted to children under 2 years.
Universal access to education.
The promotion of gender equality.
The protection of vulnerable countries during the crisis. investment in agriculture.
Podemos reducir la pobreza y el hambre, mediante:
La inversión en la agricultura.
La creación de empleos.
La ampliación de las redes de protección social.
El aumento de los programas de nutrición orientados a niños menores de 2 años.
El acceso universal a la educación.
La promoción de la igualdad de género.
La protección de los países vulnerables durante las crisis. inversión en agricultura.