- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Cuales son las Caracteristicas de panama

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Official language




Form of government

Presidential republic


Juan Carlos Varela

Total population

4 0.05 0.332 inhabitants (2015 Census)


Balboa (oficial coin) American dollar

Government and politics

The Republic of Panama is an Independent and Sovereign State, settled in its own territory, where the individual and social rights established in the Political Constitution are observed and respected. The will of the mayors is represented by free suffrage


Folklore varies in each region and is represented by the typical costume, skirt, food and traditional food, as well as music and dancing.

Carnivals are one of the main festivals in Panama, especially the carnival of Panama and the carnival of Las Tablas, in the capital of the province of Los Santos.

Among the most famous are the celebration of Corpus Christi, one of the main festivals of Panamanian folklore, the Mil Polleras parade, etc.


Over the years the Panamanian economy and its banking system have been internationally known as one of the most solid on the continent; Panama is after Chile the most competitive economy.

Tourism represents one of the main activities of the country. The main areas of tourism in Panama focus on business tourism, beaches and commerce.


  1. National / international conflict

Our position in the face of national or international conflicts is to act as mediators for a satisfactory solution.

Our intervention is greater, if in any conflict, human rights are affected, so we support the dialogue and the defense of human rights

  1. Illegal distribution of weapons / weapon testing

We are a country with one of the strongest economies in Latin America and we want our trade to be legal and transparent.


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