- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  16 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Tesis  •  669 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  186 Visitas

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1.1 Definición del perfil del cliente

Según el estudio de mercado que se aplico a través de encuestas a 30 personas el 53.3% de personas si conocen la chía y la quinua, el 47% consumen chía y quinua, el 80% les interesa probar productos de panadería a base de chía y quinua, el 47% compra chía y quinua en mercados mayoristas, el 43% compran chía y quinua una vez a la semana, el 66% de personas están dispuestos a pagar 0.50 céntimos por nuestro producto, el 47% le gusta los productos dulces, el 43% de personas les gusta el empaquetado con bolsa hermética y el 87% están dispuesto a pagar un mínimo adicional por el servicio a domicilio

About IUCN


The International Union for Conservation of Nature is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organisation.

IUCN at a glance

Founded in 1948 as the world’s first global environmental organisation

Today the largest professional global conservation network

A leading authority on the environment and sustainable development

More than 1,200 member organizations including 200+ government and 900+ non-government organizations

Almost 11,000 voluntary scientists and experts, grouped in six Commissions in some 160 countries

IUCN’s work is supported by over 1,000 staff in 45 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world. The Union’s headquarters are located in Gland, near Geneva, in Switzerland.

A neutral forum for governments, NGOs, scientists, business and local communities to find practical solutions to conservation and development challenges

Thousands of field projects and activities around the world

Governance by a Council elected by member organizations every four years at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

Funded by governments, bilateral and multilateral agencies, foundations, member organisations and corporations

Official Observer Status at the United Nations General Assembly

October focus small


Conserving biodiversity is central to the mission of IUCN. We demonstrate how biodiversity is fundamental to addressing some of the world’s greatest challenges such as climate change, sustainable development and food security.

To deliver conservation and sustainability at both the global and local level, IUCN builds on its strengths in the following areas:

Science – 11,000 experts setting global standards in their fields, for example, the definitive international standard for species extinction risk – the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™.

Action – hundreds of conservation projects all over the world from the local level to those involving several countries, all aimed at the sustainable management of biodiversity and natural resources.

Influence – through


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