- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Entrepreneurship Challenge - Mexican Art & Craft

Enviado por   •  28 de Enero de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  435 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  128 Visitas

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Entrepreneurship Challenge

Mexican Art & Craft

Mexico is a beautiful country full of history, colors, and costumes and even create new tendencies. The problem is that sometimes Mexicans can´t appreciate this inheritance and knowledge that constitute their culture and even the character of each person. Making that many Mexican don’t believe in their country and don´t fight to change it. This problem also affected the worldwide vision that Mexico can project in the world making us see the typical stereotype of Mexicans and the country that don´t want to improve the situation that is actually living.

So how can this change? Easy, promoting all king of cultural expressions focusing at art and craft that Mexicans produce with uniqueness and quality. So people can have the opportunity to buy this products at a fair price for both. Here we are attacking the problem that many craftsman have because people decide to “regatear” to a very low price. So the buyers can appreciate how much effort, work, time and money is spend in each unique piece.

To make money we need to establish a firm that can have the opportunity in one year or less to expand to international markets to sell our products to the world. We will manage our product in two different categories so everyone can have access to them: normal and luxury. Focusing the normal products to the majority population at Mexico and luxury products to foreigners. So we will find in all the country different expression of culture and then we will select the more uniqueness and making a huge variety of products and preferences to all the different buyers. Also is important to mention that all the products are unique that you may not find again and the plus is that each product will contain the history of their creators. In order to create a special bound between the creator and the buyers, promoting the union and generating proud.

This business is make specially to help all our craftsmen and craftswomen to improve their life, so the main goal is to increase Mexican culture and that Mexicans be proud of their country in order to feel empowerment to change it. Yes maybe we will have a lot of profits but it will be designated to the craftsmen and craftswomen because they deserve a better life.

For me this project means to be kind and grateful of our country and to make that little change that Mexico needs, that is a new mentally of all the citizens that we are capable to change us in order to help our country .Starting by appreciating who we are.


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