- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Harry Potter

Enviado por   •  12 de Abril de 2013  •  304 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  296 Visitas

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In this paper we are going to analyze several theories about the media specially focusing on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II. First, we will focus on specialists opinions, based on arbitrated articles. In order to do so we will analyze the imperialism theory, the cultivation theory and the mediation theory and how they relate with our movie. Then, on the second part of our paper, we will analyze the public opinion, based on web sites, blogs and informal publications. Finally, we will mention our opinion as a team and the conclusions that we achieved.

According to different specialists we got different opinions that are in favor of the cultivation theory and others that doesn’t. We found an article named “Deconstructing the Grand Narrative in Harry Potter: Inclusion/Exclusion and Discriminatory Policies in Fiction and Practice” by Maza, Luisa Grijalva published on Politics & Policy; Jun2012, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p424-443, 20p. This article focuses on how the stories of Harry Potter form a clear representation of the grand narrative of liberal values and multiculturalism. Showing us how this narrative is based on a masked, but nevertheless fundamental, contradiction that answers to the need of 'absolute' identity, and that this generates discriminatory policies in both fiction and reality, according with the cultivation theory that says that in the cultural products we have different ideas that other countries want us to adopt.

We also found in other article the different mediation in different countries, the document is named “A magically nice guy: Parasocial relationships with Harry Potter across different cultures.” By Schmid, Hannah and Klimmt, Christoph, published on International Communication Gazette; 04/01/2011, Vol. 73 Issue 3, p252-269, 18p. This study explored parasocial relationships with Harry Potter that readers from different cultures have developed. From Germany (individualistic culture) and Mexico (collectivistic culture), fans


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