La Metacognicion
Enviado por heyjude5 • 17 de Noviembre de 2014 • 214 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 263 Visitas
2. Answer the following questions about the previous text.
What was the dream of the clark family?
Travel to the united states
What happened to the youngest son seven days before the departure?
Was bitten by a dog
What was the name of the ship that the Clark family was about to take?
What happened to the ship?
The unsinkable ship had sunk
What is your personal opinion about fake? Explain in some lines
They were a little over 12:30 when one of the friends proposed an interesting idea - "let a cabaret" without hesitation all were lit with the proposal, but one that's, Edgar was not convinced. The point is that among the insistence of the boys and the limited character of Edgar, eventually convincing him.
Deep in the jungle of sluts, they began to drink. Edgar, for several days he did not feel quite right, his constant trips to the bathroom required had become a nuisance to him. And tonight was no exception. Accompanied by a few drinks you had during the day, the upset stomach was becoming more intense and unbearable. Incredibly, even so after two hours of revelry, Edgar resisted its towering like going to the bathroom until it was over; the pressure was making him orate.