- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Quality And Logistic

Enviado por   •  11 de Marzo de 2015  •  257 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  197 Visitas

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1. Make a list of the steps and negotiation between Austin Inc and China Boozks.

• Trade fair and order

• Financing

• The import license and credit card

• Closing the Deal

• Production and sent

• Letter of Credit (Shipping)

• Final inspection and calendar sent

• Test Run

• Send the end

2. How long does it take the whole process, from visiting the DRUPA by Mr. Kang, until the shipment of the machine?

• 334 days, counting from which Mr. Kang went to the fair until the shipment was already underway on January 2nd and had an estimated date on January 30.

3. Define in your own words: Exports, quality and logistics.

• Export: Process in which goods move from one country to another for trade and monetary reasons.

• Quality: It’s the extra value that we give to a product or service. It’s something that does not have other products.

• Logistic: There are a number of methods that deal in this case for the movement of goods between two countries. Logistics handle the whole process when the charge moves.

4. Compare the definitions you made in the previous point with which the author exposes the basic book in the chapter "Logistics". Systematize the information in the space below.

• Logistics is the part of the process in the supply chain which plans, conducts and controls the flow and storage of goods and services in an efficient way, as well as related information from point of origin to point of consumption, to meet customer requirements.

5. Develop a definition of logistics considering the points developed above.

• It´s a systematic process that is in charge of storage and move goods and services, by optimizing time, work and all the resources.


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