- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  2 de Enero de 2014  •  203 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  517 Visitas


Measuring the total magnetic moment of a sample in a saturating magnetic field is a quick accurate and reliable method of measuring the magnetic material content of the sample. It is much faster than chemical methods and far more accurate than measurement based on the susceptibility of the material.

The principle behind the Satmagan is to measure the force acting on the sample in a magnetic field with a spatial gradient. The magnetic field is strong enough to saturate the magnetic component in the sample.

A Satmagan can be used to measure any sample with only one magnetic component. Alternatively, it can measure a component with a dominant concentration and/or dominant specific magnetic moment.

With a measuring time of roughly one minute and accuracies as good as 0.2 per cent, a Satmagan is an ideal tool for analyzing mixtures of magnetic and non-magnetic components.


- Maximum error 0.2% of the measurement range

- Analysis time roughly one minute

- Two ranges:

0 to 100% of material to be measured

0 to 200% to bring the 100% point to the middle of the scale

- Powders and solid samples alike can be measured

- The weight of the sample is not critical; generally 1 to 7 grams are used.

- Stabilized for voltage and temperature


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