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Several accounting groups

Enviado por   •  17 de Mayo de 2013  •  201 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  378 Visitas

Asignación Taller Uno

C1-1 Pronouncements

Several accounting groups have issued various pronouncements establishing or relating to generally accepted accounting principles. The following is a list of seven pronouncements, as well as a list of statements describing each pronouncement.

A. Statements of Financial Accounting Standards

B. Opinions

C. Technical Bulletins

D. Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts

E. Interpretations

F. Staff Positions

G. Accounting Research Bulletins

___E_1. Pronouncements that provide clarification of conflicting or unclear issues relating to previously issued FASB Statements of Standards, APB Opinions, or Accounting Research Bulletins.

___C_2. Issued by the FASB to provide guidance on accounting and reporting problems related to Statements of Standards or Interpretations.

¬¬___B_3. Pronouncements of the APB that constitute generally accepted accounting principles unless specifically amended or rescinded, many of which were based on Accounting Research Studies.

¬___D_ 4. Issued by the FASB as a series establishing a theoretical foundation upon which to base financial accounting and reporting standards.

___G_5. Pronouncements of the Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP) that constitute generally accepted accounting principles unless superseded or amended by other authoritative bodies.

___A_6. Pronouncements issued by the FASB that establish generally accepted accounting principles and indicate the methods and procedures required on specific accounting issues.

___F_7. Pronouncements issued to provide more timely and consistent application guidance in regard to FASB literature.


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