- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tare 1 de ingles

Enviado por   •  3 de Agosto de 2015  •  Tarea  •  315 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  130 Visitas

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With this activity I learned more general information about brochures, their structure and how important they are, and also know what kind of information to use, learned and practice how to change active forms to passive forms


I search an article about brochures and design a KWL chart and then include information about the module, such as passive forms, and then I complete parts of the format.


The result of this activity helped me to understand the structure of the brochures and how to apply the passive form in an explanation/description.

What I Know What I Want To Know What I Learned

• Brochures are commonly used to pass information about something.

• Help to introduce a company or organization and inform about something to a target audience.

• The most common types of brochures are presented in the b-fold and the tri-fold

• What kind of psychological aspects does a brochure is used with the audience?

• How much money has being invested by companies to promote their service with brochures? • Brochures are often printed using four color process on thick, glossy paper to give an initial impression of quality

• How to structure a brochure.

• Things to avoid in a brochure (using we, buzz words, long products description, a long history of the product/service/organization

• Three types of brochures have been established: Informational, promotional and lure.

Two main areas will be focused by this module, management and communication in meetings.

Corporate culture and its impact in the business world will be learned by us by reading diverse business topics: the difference between a manager and a leader and how to create a great working environment will be discovered through this texts. The topic about how communication helps employees to achieve specific goals will be discussed. Finally, the practice and the business writing will be identified by using different layouts.


I have more knowledge about brochures and their utility and the impact they can cause in an organization’s publicity.


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