- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  8 de Marzo de 2015  •  251 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  253 Visitas

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Describe 3 "mass prestige" products and 2 "Accessible super premium” products that are sold in Mexico.

3 “mass prestige” products:

• The Louis Vuitton’s bag is a “mass prestige” product, in fact in china this bag became a part of Japanese culture, it’s not anymore an exclusive product that people really want, now more and more people from different social class have this bag. In India and South Korea have a growing and voracious demographic of luxury brand-obsessed consumers.

• Hotel business it’s another sector when we can observe a mass prestige, in fact more and more luxury restaurants open. In this industry the hoteliers have to differentiate from each other to appeal reach consumers. For example, Antoine Chevanne, adopt the luxury “sur mesure” to differentiate himself from the mass market and to ad a value, an experience.

• The last example, it’s the Haute Couture, the word, year-by-year is loosing his meaning and his importance. It’s becoming more available and accessible than before. The Haute Couture is loosing its exclusivity because more and more brand-obsessed people buy these clothes.

2 “accessible super premium” products that are sold in Mexico:

The accessible super premium products are priced at or near the top of their category, but middle-market consumers can still afford them, primarily because they are relatively low-ticket items.

• Belvedere vodka it’s sold in Mexico, it’s an accessible super premium product because more expensive than others vodka as Absolut for example.

• Starbucks it’s a luxury brand suggest coffee with a price over 40% more expensive than other famous coffee chain.


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