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International Business


Professor: Dr. Rogelio Ponce Sanchez

Nombre: Hilda Marcela Sierra Valdez        

ID: 1677666

Group: 5Ci

August 30th, 2017


Happiness is something that we always have known, but do we really know what it is? What it involves? Since little we know that we want to have it, that most people search for it, and work for it, and even then they still see it far away, but also we see that there´s the exact opposite to it, like depression.

It is not measurable, profitable or tradable, but still we all want it, we want to have a lot of it, but it is a really big concept, and we only have an idea of it. So how can we know if we have it? what can we do to keep it? And how can we achieve it? In this essay I´m going to try and explain it.


First of all, to explain happiness you should first know what it isn´t.

Happiness is not feeling good all the time, recent studies tells us that having a moderated mood is more psychologically healthy than a mood in which you have large quantities of happiness, because you need a balance. It also shows that if you focus too much on trying to be happy or good all the time, you´ll actually weaken your ability to feel good at all.

Happiness is not being rich, not being economically stable may don´t make you happy, but even if you had a lot of money, at first you will be excited but in the short term you will get used to it, and will not be as exciting anymore. But the only exception to this rule is; if you spend the money with other people or for others.

Happiness is not a final destination, I used to think that there will be a time that happiness will arrive, but it´s not like that, it takes a constant effort to maintain it. Most techniques that help to become happier are habits like writing a journal, they are not events, and even events have a short time of happiness, they fade as we begin adapting to them.

So happiness is combinations of how content are you with your life, and how you feel on daily basis. Both are relatively stable, and our mood changes constantly. With constant effort happiness can be

The research suggests that happiness is a combination of how satisfied you are with your life (for example, finding meaning in your work) and how good you feel on a day-to-day basis. Both of these are relatively stable—that is, our life changes, and our mood fluctuates, but our general happiness is more genetically determined than anything else. The good news is, with consistent effort, this can be balance. If you are used to trying to stay positive, you are going to stay neutral, but if you consist work in being grateful, reading books, etc you will become more positive and by that more happy.


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