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Enviado por   •  28 de Septiembre de 2014  •  274 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  231 Visitas

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3.1 Hardware Connection

Recommendation: It is recommended to follow the first example in actual connection!

Note: In the circumstance where the first connection example is not applicable and you choose to use the second example, you should install a MicroFilter on the telephone line (a splitter can never be used to replace the MicroFilter).

Special attention: Installing a telephone directly before the splitter will lead to a failure to connect to the CO side device and the Internet or slow connection speed. If you need to connect a telephone to the telephone line before the splitter, a microfilter is required. (Generally, you can connect only one MicroFilter before the splitter for reducing noise.)

1. Shown as the two examples below, use a Telephone line to connect the DSL port of ZXDSL 831 to the MODEM port of the splitter, and connect the telephone line to the PHONE port of the splitter. Then connect the wall phone jack with the LINE port of the splitter.

The splitter comes with three connectors as below:

LINE: Connects to a wall phone jack (RJ-11 jack)

MODEM: Connects to the DSL jack of ZXDSL 831

PHONE: Connects to a telephone set

2. Use a straight-through Ethernet cable to connect the LAN port of ZXDSL 831 to your LAN or a PC with network card installed.

Note: Use a “cross-over” Ethernet cable if the device’s LAN port is to connect to a non-UpLink port of a hub/switch.

3. Connect the power cord to the PWR connector on ZXDSL 831, then plug in the AC power adapter to the AC power outlet, and then press the on-off button.

ZXDSL 831 installation example 1 – When a splitter is connected to the wall outlet with ADSL service:


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