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Psychedelic Trance

Psychedelic trance (often referred to as psy trance) is a form of trance music, developed in the late 1990's. Trance has a fast beat, in the range 125 to 150 beats per minute (bpm), compared to ambient trance music and other forms like house and techno. It has a strong bass sound that beats continuously without change and is overlaid by many other rhythms. This type of trance is popular in the UK, but is a truly global phenomenon, and interestingly there is an underrepresentation of American artists, although Israeli artists are well represented. As of 2002 many Japanese artists have started to take in this genre from the influence of UK DJ's.

The club and dance scenes worldwide have been using psychedelic trance in performances along with Goa trance, ambient trance, progressive trance, and minimalist trance. The mixture of Goa and psychedelic trance music is the popular kind of trance performance to many trance listeners. Psychedelic trance can be considered an offshoot of Goa trance. Popular artists that make psychedelic trance include Astral Projection, Space Tribe, Infected Mushroom, Atmos, Total Eclipse, Cosmosis and Simon Posford. Psychedelic trance is often played at outdoor festivals. People at these festivals sometimes consume psychedelic drugs like LSD, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms. The festivals often take place over a few days with music being played 24 hours a day.

Psychedelic Trance (a menudo referido como el psy trance) es una forma de música trance, desarrollada a finales de 1990. Trance tiene un ritmo rápido, en el rango de 125 a 150 latidos por minuto (ppm), frente a la música trance, ambient y otras formas como el house y el techno. Tiene un sonido bajo fuerte que late continuamente sin cambio y se superpone a muchos otros ritmos. Este tipo de trance es muy popular en el Reino Unido, pero es un fenómeno verdaderamente global, y curiosamente hay una escasa representación de artistas estadounidenses, aunque los artistas israelíes están bien representados. A partir de 2002 muchos artistas japoneses han comenzado a tomar en este género de la influencia del Reino Unido DJ.

El club y escenas de baile en todo el mundo han estado utilizando psychedelic trance en las actuaciones, junto con Goa trance, trance, ambient, trance progresivo, y el trance minimalista. La mezcla de la música Goa trance psicodélico y es la clase popular de rendimiento de trance a los oyentes muchas trance. Psychedelic Trance se puede considerar una rama de Goa trance. Artistas populares que hacen psychedelic trance incluyen la proyección astral, Space Tribe, Infected Mushroom, Atmos, Total Eclipse, y Cosmosis Posford Simon. Psychedelic Trance se juega a menudo en los festivales al aire libre. La gente en estas fiestas a veces consumen drogas psicodélicas como hongos LSD, éxtasis y psicodélico. Las fiestas suelen tener lugar en unos pocos días con la música que se está reproduciendo las 24 horas del día.

Trance Ambiente

Related sub-genres

In 1996 the music had changed so much from its Goa beginnings that the term Goa trance no longer seemed suitable and the new term of psychedelic trance, or psytrance for short, was coined to refer to this new style of music. The multi-layered melodies of Goa trance were stripped away and a darker and more repetitive form of music concentrated on rhythm and groove appeared. A landmark album of this change would be the 1998 album Radio by X-Dream.

In 2002, melodies became popular again, heralding the beginning of full-on psytrance.

Currently, there are many sub-genres within the psytrance scene, including minimal/progressive psy, morning psy, full-on psy, and dark psy. There has recently been a movement attempting to ‘return to the source’ and bring back the original Goa trance sound, such as Metapsychic Records (2006 - December 2007)[4] and Suntrip Records, which are dedicated to reviving the roots of the scene and promoting artists trying to recapture the original feeling of the music.

Including some subgenres, we have:




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