- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  2 de Junio de 2013  •  357 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  307 Visitas

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The friendship is a lasso of the friends, is a road when the people learn any different values in the life, where the people coexist with the other person no matter where is comes and his race, color, etc. Is a loving relationship between two or more people.

Friendship is one of the most common relationships that most people have in life. The friendship is given at different stages of life and in different degrees of importance and significance. Friendship is born when people find common concerns. There are friendships that are born within minutes of relating and others take years to do.

but this concept is not reality, in this time, the people use this concept to talk about the friendship in quote but is a false friendship because the many people like feign and carried by what they have and not what they are, you could say are superficial.

We talk too of love as friendship, is just that. It's a feeling of love for another person. One loves his friend, who would be willing to sacrifice life for him or her, if necessary. There is a saying, that clarifies very well, which is a friendship, "the friend called to tell you good news, but it appears by surprise, when misfortune haunts us." That phrase, clarifies excellently, which is friendship.

Often the friend is "comfort scarf" face a penalty of another. There is also respect, sympathy, affection, friendship, tolerance, affinity of thought, and the same value-based beliefs. The friendship will not come from a sense of selfishness or exploitation. That is not friendship, but only interest. On the contrary, what you can think about a friendship. But one thing is clear, when you meet a person, you feel something special, to the extent that we believe we will become friends. There is a something that comes from the soul. Since between friends there is a clear spiritual attraction. For the same reason, to make friends, there is no universal recipe. This alone is given. All you have to do is meet different people. Since you can’t build a friendship. The friendship not forced. Is given for free.


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