La Teoría De La Importancia De La Veracidad De Los Laberintos Borgianos En La Literatura Contemporánea Argentina De La Zona Sur
Enviado por conitax95kawaii • 19 de Mayo de 2015 • 593 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 521 Visitas
1. The credit sequence begins with a soft music, and as the movie flows the volume increases. Also, you can hear the noise of some insects. At first the screen is all black, and then it appears the title of the movie in purple, delicate typography. By now the music is louder, and as the credits continue the background changes softly into a large field of tall grass and purple flowers where Celie and Netie are playing. The girls are not shown complete, only from the head to the shoulders, so when they run and leave the field we can see Celie pregnant, which is very unexpected and shocking. The credits end when the father of the girls calls them, interrupting the atmosphere of happiness and innocence.
2. 1. Trough the film the music is not always present; this is used by the filmmakers to create an atmosphere of a little suspense, or expectation in the viewers. When the music is used we can see that it is very ad hoc to the situations, it can be soft when the scene is tender and happy, it has more volume when there is tension and silence between the characters, etc. We think that we wouldn’t change the use of the music in this movie because it is already very well done, it has a very rich soundtrack and it is very well displayed in the movie.
2.The use of colours in this movie is highly made and it moves among different scenarios. We have fields, , that are shown always bright green, with white or purple flowers beside roads of a light brown colour, emphasizing the innocence in it because these things aren’t touched by men, and therefore they are pure and simple. Then there’s the indoors, in the houses of at Harpo’s, where there’s little light, dust on the furniture, dark colours that usually are grey, brown, black, dark green and dirty white. Most things inside this locations look old, unclean and static, they are not in movement like the trees or the grass in the exteriors, representing that where the men lives is a place absorbed by routine and sadness. As usual, the day is where most good things happen, and the night is for the bad ones, being the day a synonym of clarity and knowledge and the night is referred to the fear of the unknown (most of them, not always). As a team, we also agree that the use of colours is very well done, and it also better done that the music in this movie. While watching the movie we find a lot of references to the title of it, purple little flowers in the fields, Celie and Netie dressed in light colours, Shug Avery always in red, etc.
3. Both of us have seen Whoopie Goldberg acting before, but only in comedy movies, so we didn’t have a clear idea of how her acting would be here. As we watched the movie we agreed that she was really talented, and her performance amused us. The rol of Celie isn’t easy because of the evolution that she experiments trough the book and the movie. At first she is shy, fearful, obedient, she has a lack of self-esteem that proves that