Enviado por littlevoy • 17 de Abril de 2013 • 10.638 Palabras (43 Páginas) • 183 Visitas
2.1.1 Learning the Language of Pharmacology
One of the diffi culties in learning about any medical fi eld is becoming familiar with
the technical jargon. Psychiatry is no different. Doctors like to use as few words as
possible but be as specifi c as they can possibly be. We accomplish this by taking
simple root words and adding one or more prefi xes and suffi xes to derive the specifi c
meaning that we want to convey. The result is that we can say a lot with a few words,
though at times it may sound as if we say little with a large number of words. The
lengthy words that sometimes arise when several scientifi c prefi xes and suffi xes are
added to a root word can be very imposing to those who are not initiated into
Let us share an example. The body’s hormone system is called the endocrine
system. Endocrine comes from a Greek prefi x that means “within” (endo-) and
a Greek root word that means “separate” (krinein). This makes sense when you
realize that hormones are substances that carry instructions between separate organs
within your body. By adding the suffi x -ologist (which means one who studies) to
endocrine, we get the term endocrinologist. An endocrinologist is simply a doctor
who studies and treats illnesses of the hormone system. But the hormone system
does not work alone; it functions in concert with other body systems such as the
nervous system. By adding the prefi x neuro- (which means nerve), we arrive at
the term neuroendocrinologist. A neuroendocrinologist is a doctor who studies the
interaction between the nervous system and the hormone system. When the hormone
and nervous systems interact, this has an impact on the way we think and behave.
In other words, it affects our mind. By adding the prefi x psycho- (which means
mind), we have the term psychoneuroendocrinologist. A psychoneuroendocrinologist
is one who studies how the mind is affected by the interaction between the
hormone system and the nervous system.
As you can see, by stringing several simple words together, we can construct
complex medical terms that can convey large amounts of information. We will try
to avoid using too many of these technical terms as we set off on our journey into
the study of (-ology) how medications (pharmaco-) affect the mind (psycho-). In a
word, let’s take a look at psychopharmacology.
2.1.2 Overview
Before we introduce you to the many psychiatric illnesses and the medications used
to treat these illnesses, you fi rst need a general understanding of just how these
medications work. In this chapter, we will introduce you to these concepts.
First, you will learn about the human nervous system and how it works when it
is healthy. This will include an introduction to the structure (anatomy) of the nervous
system and the function (physiology) of the nervous system. Next, we’ll describe
the things that can go wrong. We’ll look at how the system breaks down and malfunctions.
Then we’ll show you how these breakdowns can result in psychiatric
illness. Finally, we’ll introduce you to the medications used to treat psychiatric
illness. You will learn where these medications work and our best guess of how they
work. The presumed mechanism of action of many medications is just that, presumed.
In contrast to antibiotics, in which we know quite a lot about the ways that
they kill bacteria or stop them from reproducing and how these mechanisms ultimately
effect a cure for an infectious disease, less is known about how psychotropic
medicines work. Oh, we pretty well understand what psychotropic medicines do
when they reach the nerve cell. For example, most of the antidepressants used today
block the reuptake of serotonin at the nerve cell, but we’re still not sure why blocking
serotonin reuptake gradually improves mood in someone with depression. This
will lead to a “tour,” if you will, of what happens to a medication from the time the
pill is swallowed, until it exerts its therapeutic effect.
There are two parts to this story: function and structure. The study of the body’s
structure is called anatomy, and so, we’ll be discussing neuroanatomy (the structure of the nervous system). The study of the body’s function is called physiology,
and so, we’ll also be discussing neurophysiology (the function of the nervous
As architects teach us, form follows function. The layout of a building is dictated
in large part by its intended use. A hospital, an airport terminal, a restaurant, a
home, and a factory are each designed to serve a specifi c purpose. If the building’s
design does not facilitate its purpose, then it will soon be abandoned.
Similarly, the structure of the nervous system is interwoven with its function. At
all levels, from the microscopic highly branched nerve cell to the multiple connections
between large brain regions that are visible to the naked eye, the structure of
the nervous system is obviously designed to serve its chief purpose: communication.
As a result, it is diffi cult to talk about structure separately from function. Nevertheless,
a divided, stepwise approach may help make these complicated matters easier
for you to understand.
2.2.1 Neuroanatomy: Structure of the Nervous System
Central Nervous System (CNS). The human nervous system is an integrated
communication network that sends and receives information throughout the body.
This network is divided into two main divisions: central nervous system (CNS) and
peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS is the command center of this network
and is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS is the interface of the nervous
system with the rest of the body and the external environment. It is comprised of
nerve fi bers and small clusters of nerve cells known as ganglia.
Neurologists treat nervous system diseases that mainly cause physical symptoms.
Therefore, they are concerned with both the CNS and the PNS. Mental health professionals,
on the other hand, treat diseases that produce emotional, thought, and
behavioral symptoms. As a result, we are more concerned with the CNS and, in
particular, the brain.
The Brain. The brain is the most magnifi