- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  25 de Marzo de 2016  •  Tarea  •  418 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  164 Visitas

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1 st Part Answer the questions below: a. How many activities do you have to do in this course? Complete the chart.

Activity Grade Open on

Recognition homework 15 08/02/2016

Recognition activity 10 08/02/2016

Writing Assignment 75 22/02/2016

Homework 1 50 22/02/2016

Speaking Assignment 75 26/02/2016

Homework 2 50 03/03/2016

Homework 2

50 30/03/2016

Creating your blog 50 06/04/2016

Final exam

125 21/05/2016

. There is an activity where you have to meet with your tutor by Skype or another media, which one is it? A/ Speaking Assignment

Your tutor’s name is Jorge Edwin Garzón, your course director is Maria Cristina Otálora and your group is 900003A_288.

What can you find in …

News Forum

General Forum

News forum I can find news related to classroom activities, dates, etc. I also find instructions of different types, so I can download them onto my computers. And finally I can find different tutorials to centralize the publication of documents.

General forum I can contact my tutor and participate in the subject(s) he or she has opened. I can make questions at the tutor too.

E. How many exams does the final evaluation have?

A/ It has one exam.

F. In this course do you have to present collaborative activities?

R/ Yes I do. There are four activities so many important to the developed of group.

G. Take a screen shot of your profile in this course, with all the information actualized.

2nd Part

Now, let’s talk about you…

What’s your name? Jairo Fernando Gómez Cárdenas

How old are you? 29 years old.

Where do you live?

My city is Cali and my neighborhood is Guabal.

What are you studying? I´s studying Psychology.

What do you do in your free time?

I like make some travels, I´m a biker.

Who do you live with?

I live with my fathers and my sister.

3 rd Part Answer the following questions completing the chart:

Is English important in your life? Why? Is English important in your career? Why?

Yes off course, because is the door to the other cultures and lend us learn too many things that an only language can´t do. With this language we can overcome barriers around the world to make incredible things with others.

Yes it is, because this career and others has too many information in English than we cannot to get in our own language. Also the Psychologist


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