- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Origin of Evil

Enviado por   •  14 de Septiembre de 2018  •  Ensayo  •  465 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  147 Visitas

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The Origin of Evil

         Evil has been considered as the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin. Throughout our lives, we know that evil has been there forever, whether it came from something religious or from inside a person, but the real question to this topic is: Which or what is the origin of evil? In my opinion, after having investigated many resources and peoples’ opinion, I have come to a conclusion that evil was created in humans interior. Throughout my researching, I found a religious videos that makes me think a lot, so that is why I develop this opinion.

        Religiously, God is a perfect human who creates the world, the Bible says that God made man righteous but he sought many perversions. Religiously, God is a perfect human who creates the world, the Bible says that God made man righteous but he sought many perversions.. So, if God is the creator of everything, does he create evil? No, God is not the author of evil because on him there is not wickedness, he is perfect and righteous. So my claim to this question is that God creates humans with the capacity of chose not be good. Principally, God can’t stop being good while humans can stop being good. What does it mean to stop being good? It means that human are less than perfection. For example, God created less perfects beings, such as angels, people and animals. So God allowed these free beings, both angels and humans, to choose between good and the absence of good. When there is a bad relationship between two good things, we call it "evil", but that does not make it a thing that has required the creation of God. So, because human are less than God, they can change and chose not to be good. A remarkable example to clarify this paragraph is the history of Job, a man who was a servant of God who was tested with the Devil. God wanted to prove Job’s honesty to Devil, so the Devil couldn’t make Job a bad human because Job was loyalty to God. If God does not allow the possibility of evil, both animals and humans would serve God by obligation and not by decision. Thus, God didn’t created evil, it happens because of bad choices of creation.



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