- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  1 de Septiembre de 2013  •  203 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  502 Visitas


Abstinence is the best way to approach pre-marital, dating relationships. The definition of abstinence is ¨saving sex until marriage¨. The alternative to abstinence is promiscuity. People often become promiscuous because of peer pressure, lack of training to resist temptation, lack of moral values, undisciplined behavior, and lack of parental supervision, immodest clothing and behavior, exposure to pornography or sexual abuse that results in a sense of helplessness.

Promiscuity has several consequences including sexually transmitted diseases(STDs).Some results of STDs include ruined bodies, broken lives, shattered dreams, and premature deaths. Other promiscuity´s consequences of promiscuity include illegitimate pregnancies of unwed mothers, loss of innocence, moral decline, prostitution, emotional turmoil, damaged futures, unsatisfied marriages, sexual anxiety and feelings of being ¨used,¨ or even a feeling of failure and rejection.

Wise youth have many intelligent reasons to be abstinent. Among other advantages of abstinence are: no sexually transmitted diseases, no unexpected pregnancies before marriage, and amazing marriages. Abstinent youth could have excellent, longer, lasting and healthier lives and marriages, no sexual anxiety or fears, no guilt from violating self or someone else, healthy children making great decisions, having balanced and hopeful futures (higher goal setting), a better understanding of real love-not lust, and clear acceptance of the opposite gender.


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