- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

God And History

Enviado por   •  24 de Agosto de 2014  •  229 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  208 Visitas

God’s love is related to Social Studies because God is the creator of the world; without him there wouldn’t be any history. His love provides us with everything in our past, present and future. If you look back on our past God has provided us with many things we have in our history like the land we step on, the sky above our heads, the trees that clean our oxygen and a very important addition to the world: ourselves, the people. Without God there wouldn’t be any Christopher Columbus, George Washington or Mahatma Gandhi, as many others. Thanks to God‘s unconditional love he made everything happen the way it happened since the day He created planet Earth. God’s love is strong enough to forgive humanity’s errors, even some people in history such as the terrorist Sadam Hussein, the person who planned and preformed the crashing of the Twin Tours, even if hundreds of people died because of his believes. Also God made things in history happen for a certain reason, for the better or the worst, because he already knows what is going to happen like when He made Christopher Columbus not know that there is a land between Spain and India, so he could discover Puerto Rico. Humanity should appreciate God’s love because most of the times we don’t give him enough credit for all that he does.


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