- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

An amazing person

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

“Preparatoria No. 1”


Producto Integrador Global

Profesora: María Isabel Cortez Treviño

Nombres:                                            No.Lista:       Matricula:

Abril Monserrat Rodríguez Leal                    37                   1727705

Grupo: #204

Apodaca, Nuevo León a 22 de Mayo del 2015


My mom:[pic 7]

Personality: She is very intelligent and friendly. Sometimes is a little picky but I love her. She is very talkactive, sociable, crazy and weird. She is honest with everybody.

Physical appearance: She is tall, she has light skin and green eyes; her eyes are beautiful! Her face is round, she has short hair and her body is curved.

The things that have made my mom are:

  1. She gave me life
  2. She made a cake for Christmas
  3. She went to the concert of Lana del Rey with me
  4. She took a vacation in California L.A.
  5. She helped me with my homework
  6. She cried at the funeral of his aunt
  7. She bought me an iPad
  8. She went to Aguascalientes
  9. She always been a working women
  10. She has never insulted me

The advice given me my mom are:

  • You should be a good student, because this is your only work
  • You shouldn’t cry for a man, because they aren’t worth it
  • You should be honest with your parents, because they are the only persons In the world that will always be for you
  • You should work hard to make your goals true
  • You shouldn’t let the negative comments of others affecting you

What will make my mom:

  • She is going to go Chiapas, because is her dream
  • She’ll buy a car, the next year
  • She is going to spend in the house of her parents in Christmas  
  • She’ll go to the doctor, the next month
  • She is going to see at her best friend
  • She’ll be always working
  • She is going to buy me clothes
  • She’ll work hard to make her dreams come true
  • When Coldplay come to Mexico, she is going to the concert
  • Maybe someday, she will meet Ryan Gosling

My plans for the future will:

Obviously, I will finish the high school, and I’m going to go the university. I will study administration, and I’m going to be the best in mi work. Oh, I will have a work, and my plan is work and maybe after I’m going to buy my house. Buy me a house is some of my plans for a future very far.


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