Avances De La Tecnologia
Enviado por merledys10 • 12 de Abril de 2015 • 457 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 293 Visitas
Perception of a need: Electromagnetic pollution (communication antennas)
Much has been said about cellular telephone antennas that are located in different parts of the city. People say they are causing of many carcinogenic diseases and, for example, radiation emanating can have very serious consequences for the environment. However, recent studies and measurements have determined that the levels of radiation from antennas of different existing cellular telephone companies today are lower than those considered dangerous, for example, to the World Health Organization. (WHO)
Formulation of specifications:
Comply with the directions of design
Install these antennas out of contact persons
Construct suitable to regulatory design and binding facilities
Use of noninvasive technologies
Generation of ideas:
Install antennas at remote sites in the city
Use of low frequency equipment
Conduct more specific studies leading to the population to determine the damage caused by the electromagnetic pollution
The regulation and control by state entities and / or international organizations such as the World Health Organization, LA International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, The Scientific Advisory Committee on Radio Frequencies and health, among others.
Final solution
The studies by specialized bodies, to check the damage to the population.
Evaluation of the solution
The latest scientific data evaluated by the agencies and committees of the most expert (World Health Organization, WHO, 2006 and 2011), the International Commission for the protection of non-ionizing radiation (ICNIRP, 2009), Health Protection Agency for UK (HPA, 2010, 2012), the French safety agency environmental and labor (AFSSET, 2009, 2013) the Health Council of the Netherlands (2009, 2013) the Scientific Commitee Advisory on Radiofrequency and Health ( CCARS , 2013) the Scientific Comitee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR, 2007, 2009 and 2013) of the European Union, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (2012), ARPANSA ( Group of Experts in Investigation of the Effects of Rf . Australia, 2014, Royal Society of Canada for Health Canada ( 2014), SSM ( Swedish Authority on Radiation Protection, 2014) And Nordic Authorities in Radiation Safety (2013) agree in indicating that no risks to health from exposure to emissions of electromagnetic (EMF) of mobile phones for RF . the Scientific Committee Advisory on radio Frequencies and Health of the General Foundation of Complutense University of Madrid (CCARS) published (2013) the report on radio frequencies and health, for the years 2011-2012, in which a rating of risks related ago with exposure to radio frequency signals . His conclusion is that there isn’t evidence