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Cloud Computing

Enviado por   •  12 de Marzo de 2013  •  427 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  277 Visitas

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Cloud Computing


Definition: Offer services of computing by intermediate of the internet. Model of services oriented to scalability.Cloud is the infrastructure that supports this service model.

Advantages : low cost initial , disponibility of service immediately , scalability and flexibility ,high disponibility , access from anywhere ,last versions of software without management necessary of updates.

Risks : Adverse impact of mishandling of data , Unwarranted service charges, Financial or legal problems of vendor, Vendor operational problems or shutdowns, Data recovery and confidentiality problems, General security concerns, Systems attacks by external forces.

Guidelines and pillars : strong layer of virtualization of infraestrutura(servers,communication,storage) , potent and maturity of management of infraestrutura and at the same time the service that is where runs the infrestrutura , capacity advanced and maturity on provisioning and orchestation of resources , Oriented at services (SOA) and Internal and External (standardization).

Types of Services : Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS - Servers,network device,storage disks) , Platform as a Service (PaaS - Information,messaging,connectivity,integration service access) , Software as a Service.(SaaS – Commercial Software Access).IaaS (Hardware and virtualized instance , managed by the supplier. Operative System , Services , Framework and application , managed by client.[Amazon C2,Rol Azure,VMWARE]). PaaS (Hardware , virtualized instance , Operative System , Services and Framework , managed by the supplier. Application , managed by client.[Windows Azure]).SaaS (Hardware , virtualized instance , Operative System , Services , Framework and Application , managed by the supplier.[Google Aps ,Office 365]).

Types of Clouds: Public Clouds (Are available to the general public or a large industry group and are owned and provisioned by an organization selling cloud services. A public cloud is what is thought of as the cloud in the usual sense; that is, resources dynamically provisioned over the Internet using web applications from an off-site third-party provider that supplies shared resources and bills on a utility computing basis),Private Clouds(Exist within your company's firewall and are managed by your organization. They are cloud services you create and control within your enterprise. Private clouds offer many of the same benefits as the public clouds — the major distinction being that your organization is in charge of setting up and maintaining the cloud),Hibrid Clouds(Are a combination of the public and the private cloud using services that are in both the public and private space. Management responsibilities are divided between the public cloud provider and the business itself. Using a hybrid cloud, organizations can determine the objectives and requirements of the services to be created and obtain


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