- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Consideraciones Migración P2V

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Consideraciones Migración P2V

1.- ¿Hardware está soportado por VMware? Revisar la HCL.

2.- ¿Cuántas NICs tiene cada host?

3.- Configuración de red (IP, Gateway, DNS)

4.- Lista del nombre de los equipos FQDN.

5.- Lista de IPs y diagramas de red.

6.- VLANS, routing.

7.- Unidades de Disco por Servidor, espacio utilizado, espacio disponible (confirmar que la unidad C: tiene al menos 200MB libres).

8.- Correr CHKDSK para verificar errores en los discos.

9.- Desfragmentar discos

10.- Asegurarse que la cuenta de Administrador local funcione correctamente.

11.- Verificar que los puertos TCP/UDP 139,443, 445 y 902 se encuentren abiertos en el firewall.

12.- Tomar nota de los Shares (si existen) y los permisos.

13.- Verificar servicios activos en el servidor

14.- Versión de Sistema Operativo.

15.- Número de CPUs

16.- Cantidad de memoria RAM.

17.- Uso actual de CPU

18.- Uso actual de Memoria RAM

19.- Información de la ILO (dirección, credenciales)

20.- Aplicaciones en el servidor

Below is a simple list of steps i made for a VMWare ESXi install. It is in development and steps will be added as i remember...

first steps

Ensure all hardware in the build is validated in the HCL click here.

Have vSphere/ESXi install media available

Have vCenter Server Appliance downloaded

Have vSphere client installed

Have required License[s]


Update firmware on you servers to the latest stable release

IBM use Bootable Media Creator to create media with latest downloads here

HP use HP SmartStart media here

If using a SAN make sure all connection whether HBA or other are connected, and configured.

array configuration

Boot the server and enter the RAID Array utility. Normally Ctrl + C or similar.

Create an array dependent on what the server is required for.

RAID types with pro's and con's are lsited here.

hypervisor install

Boot the server from the VMware ESXi bootable media.

Accept the EULA aggreement, and choose to install onto a partition and use all space.

Decide on a root password

F11 to install.

Once install is complete you set network configuration;

- static IP address

- gateway address

- DNS servers

- assign hostname.

Also check for and install the latest VMware updates/patches here

vsphere client install

Now that the Hypervisor is installed, managing it is done through vSphere client.

On a desktop computer, browse to the IP address of the new ESXi server. ie)

Click on Download vSphere Client

And follow the prompts to go through the install of the client

Now when you launch vSphere client it prompts for;

Ip address / Name: - this is the hostname or IP address

Username: - this will be root

Password: - this will be the password you set during install of ESXi

configure alerts

Install and configure an SNMP tool + agents for monitoring the UPS

Set Temperature shutdown thresholds for each Server in BIOS

Configure email alerts in vCenter for vmware


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