- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Cronologia lenguaje.

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In a home languages were codes. Machine of loom Jacquard, created in 1801, used holes in punch cards to represent the movements of an arm of the knitting machine, aiming to generate decorative patterns automatically.

1842 and 1843

Over a period of nine months between, Ada Lovelace translated the memoirs of the Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea about the new machine proposed by Charles Babbage, the analytical engine. With these writings, she added some notes which specified in detail a method for calculating Bernoulli numbers with this machine, which is recognized by many historians as the first software in the world.


The first modern computers, electric powered were created. The speed and memory capacity limited forced programmers to write very tuned assembly language programs. They finally realized that programming in Assembly language required of a great intellectual effort and was very prone to errors.


1943-Plankalkül (Konrad Zuse), designed, but not implemented for half a century. The ENIAC coding system.



A series of nemotecnicas instruction, as the ENIAC, starting in 1949 with C-10 for BINAC (which would then evolve in UNIVAC). Each set of instructions was destined to a specific manufacturer


It is a low-level programming language.

Language assembler, or assembler (assembly language in English), is a programming language of low level for computers, microprocessors, microcontrollers and other programmable integrated circuits.


It is a high programming language level.

Fortran (previously FORTRAN) 1 (contraction of the English Formula Translating System) is a high programming language level of general-purpose, 2 procedimental3 and imperative, is especially adapted to numerical calculation and scientific computing.



Referred to as ALGOL (or Algol) to a programming language. The voice is an acronym for Algorithmic Language (algorithmic language) English words.

It was very popular in universities during the 1960s, but failed to materialize as language of commercial use.

However, Algol deeply influenced several later languages that yes were widespread, as Pascal, C and Ada.


On the programming of computers, the BASIC, an acronym for Beginner's all-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code1 (symbolic code of instructions for general purpose for beginners in Spanish), is a family of high-level programming languages. The original BASIC, Dartmouth BASIC, was designed in 1964 by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, United States, as a means to facilitate programming computers to students (and teachers) that were not of science.



It was proposed to respond to the needs of scientific and commercial applications.

PL/1, an acronym for Programming Language 1 (1 programming language), was proposed by IBM to 1970 to simultaneously meet the needs of scientific and commercial applications, available on new platforms of IBM 360 general utility and more later IBM 370.





His goal was to create a language that would facilitate the learning of programming to students.

Pascal is a programming language developed by the Swiss Professor Niklaus Wirth between 1968 and 1969 and released in 1970. His goal was to create a language that would facilitate the learning of programming to his students, using structured programming and data structuring. However with time use exceeded the academic field to become a tool for the creation of all kinds of applications.


It is a language for programming electronic devices through the logical paradigm.

The Prolog (or PROLOG), coming from the PROgrammation LOGique in French, 1 is a language for programming electronic devices through the logical paradigm with interpreted final production techniques. It is well known in the area of Engineering Computing for research in Artificial Intelligence.


It is an object oriented programming language.

Objective-C is a programming language created object as a superset of C-oriented so that he implement a similar to the Smalltalk object model. It was originally created by Brad Cox and the StepStone Corporation in 1980. In 1988 it was adopted as NEXTSTEP programming language and in 1992 it was released under the GPL for the GCC compiler. Currently used as the main programming language on Mac OS X, iOS and GNUstep.



Functional, not strict, modular, strongly typified.

(Haeskəl) 1 Haskell is a standardized programming language with non-strict semantics and strong static typing purely functional multi-purpose. Its name is due to the American logician Haskell Curry. In Haskell, 'a function is a first-class citizen"of the programming language. As a functional programming language, the primary controls constructor is the function. The language has its origins in observations of Haskell Curry and his intellectual descendants.



1995. interpreted programing language, dialect of the ECMAScript standard.

JavaScript is an interpreted programming language, dialect of the ECMAScript standard. It is defined as object oriented, 3 based on prototypes, imperative, weakly typed and dynamic.


It is an object oriented programming language.

C# (pronounced if sharp in English) is a programming language oriented to objects developed and standardized by Microsoft as part of its platform. NET, which was later approved as a standard by ECMA (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270). C# is one of the programming languages designed for the common language infrastructure


Oriented objects are implemented on the Java platform.

Groovy is a programming language oriented to objects that are implemented on the Java platform. He has characteristics similar to Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk. Specification JSR 241 is responsible for standardisation for a future inclusion as an official component of the Java platform.


Concurrent and compiled based on the syntax of C.

Go is a compiled and concurrent programming language inspired by the syntax of C. It has been developed by Google and its initial designers are Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. Currently it is only available for Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OS X.2 3 operating systems


Created primarily for educational purposes.

Grace is a new programming language in development, created primarily for educational purposes. The design of the language started in 2010 and the current version of the specification is 0.353.


DART (originally called Dash) is a programming language of code open, developed by Google. It was revealed at the Conference goto; in Aarhus, Denmark on 10 October of 2011.2 the goal of Dart is not replace JavaScript as the main language of web programming in web browsers, but offer a more modern alternative


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