- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Dependencia A La Tecnologia

Enviado por   •  3 de Junio de 2013  •  887 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  258 Visitas

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Computers and Technology Dependence

In the past few decades we have been experiencing a revolution in computing and communications. All indications are that technological progress and use of information technology will continue at a rapid pace. The latest developments in technology can be seen in many areas such as education, healthcare, communication, and other daily activities. Although the benefits of computers and technology in today’s world are undeniable, it’s true that people have become too dependent on computers and technology.

It is often argued that technology is a powerful tool for teachers and students in all levels of education. Many colleges and universities offer classes online; this allows students to time flexibility and access for more students. One advantage of technology is the internet. It allows access to a world of information in one place. It is true that technology is improving the way that the students learn. However this has created a serious problem. Students have lost the ability to do certain things. Handwriting for some students is thing of the past. These days they are no longer worried about spelling because all computers have a word processing program with spellchecker that also checks for grammar mistakes. Homework that is intended to do research investigation requires quoting books as a fountain. These kinds of assignments represent a stressful problem for some student because most of them don’t know how to look for information in books. It’s expected that students develop questions during the learning process. When a student doesn’t understand something, instead of trying to figure out the problem, or ask a classmate or teacher for help, they go on Google and with no trouble find the answer. Students have problems making simple paper calculations because they always have a calculator on hand. Is for these reasons that we can say that technology is diminishing the capacity of students to reason and cooperate amongst each other.

Some people say that technology makes our life easy by optimizing almost everything. Indeed today it is easy to make use of many technological devices such as cellphones, computers, digital cameras, x-boxes, and more. But we are so dependent on computers and technology that most of our information is saved on it. What would happen if you lost your cell phone, your USB device, or if your computer crashed? Many people can’t remember important phone numbers or birthdays. We have lost our capacity to memorize. To lose a telephone or another technological device is not only an economic loss. It may seem silly, but people may experience anxiety when they don’t have a technology device. Computers and technology for some people do not only represent a good distraction from their problems. Devices for some people have become a friend.

It’s sometimes argued that technology has completely transformed the way people


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