- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  23 de Junio de 2015  •  Práctica o problema  •  1.245 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  126 Visitas

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Where should I shop?

If you are a Newbie you should try stores with self swipe checkouts. Just beware some of the self swipes will verify your id. Also if you want to get your feet wet grocery stores with self swipe are real nice. They even have the ones that you ring up your own shit and pay without any cashier present.

Gas Stations - I would suggest staying away from gas stations. Most have cameras and why risk someone getting your car info for such a small purchase. Plus some dumps will die quickly when using a Gas Station.

Using Cards with non-matching last 4 - Simple shop at stores that do not check last 4 or use AVS or type in CVV2 I'm not going to post which stores do and do not at this time. If you don't know any off hand go there in person and use your legit card and watch what they do.

Cards with matching last 4- Shop anywhere that doesn't have AVS or type in CVV2 I will not list any stores you will have to do your own research.

What is AVS?

Address Verification System - verifies cardholders real addy, sometimes only uses zipcode.

Security - This is a very important topic, and here are some tips. First never park in front of store in which you are shopping. If someone gets suspicious of you they may write down your license plate or if they have cameras outside they may catch it on there cameras. Always park far enough away that the store cant see which car you got into. If possible park around a corner or have someone else drive and wait out of site for you. If you are using the buddy system You can get some 2 way radios or both keep cell phone on you and if shit hits the fan you can sprint away and have the car meet you somewhere nearby. Never run directly toward your car if shit hits the fan and you have the run, then security is probably running after you. See planning for more information on this. Also you may want to carry a small can of mace or pepper spray key chain size etc. This can be used to get your freedom from security but may lead to more charges if your caught.


Okay You are now just about ready to go.

1. What area will I be shopping at and what stores- Best to know in advance you can make driving directions to the area and from store to store. This is nice and will sped up the time your in one area. Helps you find the quickest way to and from area also. You don't have to go this route you can go what I would call this free styling.

2. Once you spot your store find good parking spot away from camera out of view from store. Look around what will you do if shit goes wrong. A good rule of thumb is never run directly toward your car. You can park around the corner in next parking lot over. If shit hits fan you can exit store go in opposite direction and loop around behind the store to your car. Unless your 500 pounds and cant run in which if you try this method you may bet caught if you have to run.

3. Bring other Shirts with you. This is nice, you can change your shit when shopping at different stores this will help you keep much safer. And if your being chased you can take one off and have the other one underneath.

4. Most of the time you wont have any problems and you may tire of parking


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