- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El Internet

Enviado por   •  1 de Diciembre de 2014  •  676 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  118 Visitas

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The Internet in Children and Adolescents

Nowadays, the Internet is a powerful and versatile tool whose use is growing every day. Despite the benefits and facilities offered, this toll has created a immense influence on the lives of children and adolescents. They have access to many areas that are inappropriate for their age like games, applications, porn sites and social networks without the supervision of a parent or an adult. Thus children feel free to make improper use of the Internet becoming addicted, curious, impulsive and violent, leaving aside the development of family and social skills. Internet use adolescents tend to focus primarily on networking and linkages with peer groups, overcoming physical distance. This medium allows them to express themselves and talk about certain topics that might find it difficult to deal with direct relationships.

One cause that influences young people to misuse use the internet is the little supervision by the parents with respect to their children. Today, parents give their children freedom to navigate on the web, without being aware of what teens are doing in the Internet. According to Marta Tesari, (2005) president of the Angertina Federation of Psychology” The use of technology should be under the control of parents. Otherwise, you run the risk that children come in contact with harmful material and lose social lines, behavior and respect”. Clearly, the correct use of Internet in children and adolescents depends largely on the supervision and monitoring of the parents. It is imperative that they need to instruct their children about the responsible and sure use of the Internet.

Another cause that confirms the influence of the Internet in children and adolescents is the lack control of due to the amount of time spent in front of a computer or electronic device. Internet addiction is a disease difficult to control. (Hector Waisburg, 2010) Doctor of interdisciplinary clinical said, “This a new disease that effects, at present, the majority if teenagers around the world, where kids get to spend 80% of their waking time in front of the pc”. According to Rosemary Duff, (2006) 70% of children and adolescents prefer surfing the web instead of watching television or reading a book. Currently, the impact of the internet is strong that 65% of children argue that when they come to navigate they are not sure fot how long they will do it.

Indeed, the misuse of the Internet in children and adolescents threatens family values and social relationships. According to the 70% of children and adolescents are isolated from their surrounding and do not give importance to family obligations, and to social and academic tasks. Often, they lose hours of sleep, making them less active when interacting with people around them. In fact, they are losing motivation in class, losing interest in reading, sports and others. Besides, the misuse also leads young people to


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