Enviado por isctecnologia • 17 de Septiembre de 2014 • 3.045 Palabras (13 Páginas) • 147 Visitas
Gatherspace is a powerful hosted requirements management and use case tool for managing and sharing software requirements. It frees you to focus on your requirements without concern for upgrades, infrastructure, and maintenance.
This reference manual is intended to give you assistance in the fundamentals of setting up and using your Gatherspace. Everything that you need to know to be productive with the system will be in this document. For futher assistance you may email
Table of Contents
How do I get started?
Set up us ers Name your project Add Packages
Add business requirements Add requirements Establish Actors
Establish Use Cases Create a Glossary Add Issues
View Reports
Whether you begin with a free trial or a paid account, your opening screen will appear as shown below.
This screen is the Home Page for your Gatherspace. You can use the top level tabs to navigate to different system sections such as Requirements, Projects, Reporting, etc.
On the initial screen, you are defaulted into the ‘Requirements’ tab where you can start adding your Business Requirements.
How do I get started?
Set up users
1 Start by setting up at least one user for your Gatherspace. Click the All Projects on the upper left navigation.
2 Click Manage Users.
Referencing the upper screen, you can click on the Users link to add and manage new users.
3 Click the email address which appears.
If you are using the free trial, you are limited to one user, employing the email address and password you used when you signed up. The role of this user should remain as Administrator so that you will be able to make any necessary account changes.
4 Enter the full name for the displayed email address and password user.
5 Check the ‘Send email notifications’ box to have emails sent to the email address shown.
6 Click Update to accept the information shown.
7 If you have a paid account, you may set up additional users by entering a new email in the ‘Add User Email’ box and clicking Add User Email. Enter other information about the user as described above. These users may be assigned roles as Read Only or Read/Write, as well as Administrator.
It is wise to carefully think through what role you assign to each user. Administrator privileges should be assigned only to those who will need to make basic changes to your Gatherspace. Read/Write
roles should be assigned to all who will be making changes to your requirements. Others should be assigned Read Only roles.
Name your project
1 To give your first project a name, click All Projects on the upper left nav and click the New Project button to add a new project.
2 Select a project in the project list and click the Edit Project link.
3 Change the ‘My Project’ name to the project name of your choice.
4 Enter a brief description of your project in the Project Description box.
You can come back and change any information on this screen at a later time, so if you are not sure what you want to enter, just leave the box blank.
5 Leave the Default selection set at “Yes.” When you have multiple projects, you can set the default to “Yes” for the project that you want your Gatherspace to automatically open to.
6 The Business Opportunity and Problem Statement boxes allow you to enter information about your project – such as what role your project can have in expanding your business and the problem your project can solve. Enter information now or leave it for later.
7 Click the pull-down arrow beside ‘Project Owner’ and select the owner you want to assign this owner to.
8 Click Update when your entries are complete.
Add Packages
Think of a Package as the top most conceptual level of the requirements hierarchy of the pyramid. A package is a grouping of business requirements which in turn have requirements and use cases associated with them.
Using the example of trying to build a consumer based shopping cart, a package would be “Shopping Cart”. A business requirement of the package “shopping cart” would be “..the system will allow the consumer to empty the shopping cart.” Requirements which fall under that would be anything at the implementation or specification level that has more granular detail.
Add Business Requirements
Business Requirements are the beginning point in constructing your project specifications. A Business Requirement is a simple description of something the system will do to solve the problem at hand. It should describe the “what?” as opposed to the “how?” and not describe any implementation detail.
After some business requirements have been defined, software requirements can be added. A software requirement is a description of how a business requirement is carried out. For example, a business requirement of an online bookstore might be to provide shopping cart functionality. Some software requirements for that shopping cart might be to allow items to be placed in the cart, items to be removed from the cart and for the cart to be cleared of all items. It is important to understand the difference between a business requirement and a requirement before beginning to add business requirements. Business requirements are the top level of project definition. Requirements support or supplement business requirements.
If you find that your business requirement is long and detailed, chances are it should be considered a requirement and not a business requirement.
1 Click the Requirements tab
2 Enter the name of your business requirement in the box beside ‘Add Record.’ A description of the business requirement will be added later.
3 Click Add Record.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 above for