Glosario comscre
Enviado por thomazer • 11 de Octubre de 2015 • Informe • 456 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 235 Visitas
Key terms for comscore dictionary
Ad focus
Ranked category of advertising supported media brands. These sites sell ad inventory.
Advertising network
A Company that sells advertising on a group of domains primarily for third party owned websites. Ad networks are designated (n) and marked with doublé asterisks (**) in the reports.
Advertising network aggregate
Ad networks that collected under one umbrella entity are designated with (a) and marked with doublé asterisks (**) in the reports.
Alternate rollup (a#)
Custom, client created media definition that provides an alternative view of the media. An “alt rollup” is permissioned to be viewed only by client who purchases it. Alt rollups have reportable “broken out” levels enabling drill down into the media (as opposed to to custom entities that are only top line.) alt rollups also allow for duplication, so a specific entity can appear in more than one level. No other definition, neither syndicated nor custom entity, allows for duplication like this.Asterisk (*)
An asteriks (*) is used to identify web domains that are incomplete (i.e., the owner has assigned trafiic for certain pages in the domain to other entities.)
Channel(C), subchannel (s), group (g) and subgroup (SG)
Within a media title there may be grouped urls of editorially consistent content that make up a cannel. For some of the largest media titles, channels themselves may be broad, and subchannels, groups and subgroups within the larger channels may prove useful for categorization within the comscore dictionary.
Custom entity (e)
Costum defined combinations of urls made available at the request of comscore clients. Costum entities accommodate specific client business needs, for example , when domains have traffic from certain pages assigned to other entities, a client may recreate the domain in its entirety as a custom entity for use in reports to show total domain reach.
Media title (m)
Media title (m) is a editually and Brand consistent collecrtion of content in teh difital landscape that provides the Marketplace with a view of online user behavior . this mar represent a domain, a group of domains, online service or application.
The lowest level building block of the comscore dictionary. A partern is a url or collection of urls that are share similar characteristics (e.g., the same host and directory) that are assigned to a specific definition in the dictionary hierarchy (i.e, cannel or sub channel). Patterns are not explicitly reported in media metrix.
Property (P)
The highest level or reporting in the client focus structure, properties representa ll full domains (i.e., pages (i.e., pages (i.e., applications or online services under common ownership or majority ownership for a single legal entity. A property may also contain any digital media content that is not majority owned but has been legally signed over for reporting purposes by the majority owner.