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Google In China

Enviado por   •  31 de Enero de 2014  •  244 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  304 Visitas

Google China: Position in the market

The actual position of Google in China is very hard. Google entered in the Chinese market some years ago, even though it knew it was going to be hard due to the restrictions the country has about the internet and the information. Throw the years Google faced much opposition, and in 2009 Google suffered a hacking attack. With this Google said he was going to leave China, and also because of the restrictions he had. It affected the position in the market in China.

Google has a low market penetration in the country. While its browser occupies one of the top positions in the Chinese Internet, Google does not survive of a position, but from the sale of advertising. And this business is not giving the economic performance that the company seeks.

The revenue growth in Google search continues to decline, as the Western European market reached maturity and Google has difficulties to gain share in fast-growing Asian markets, "Martin Olausson, analyst at Strategy Analytics, said on Friday July 23 2012.

Also, Jimmy Wales, founder of the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia, has stepped forward to support the decision of Google to leave China because of censorship imposed from the Beijing government.

Because all of this, it is seen that China is not a good place for Google to improve its position and profits. If China does not take out the censorship over Google, the company will go out of the market.


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