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Installing Agile EC 3.5.01 for SolidWorks 2014

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Installing Agile EC 3.5.01 for SolidWorks 2014
Dec 14, 2016

For first time users:

System Requirements:

  1. You must be on 64-bit.  Right click My Computer > Properties and look under System to find this information.
  2. SolidWorks 2014
  3. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher
  1. Your computer should already have this; click Start > Settings > Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs to see your version.  If you do not have .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, or 4.5 installed, you will receive an error during the installation.  The .NET Framework 3.5 setup is located at:

P:\Software\Public\DOT NETFRAMEWORK\dotnetfx35setup.exe

  1. Java Runtime Engine Version 6 and 8 (These files will also be found at your sites “Software\Public” location)
  1. Install Java JRE 1.6u37 32 bit (\\plyfile1\depts\Software\Public\JAVA\jre-6u37-windows-i586.exe)
  2.  Install Java JRE 1.8u111 64 bit (\\plyfile1\depts\Software\Public\JAVA\jre-8u111-windows-x64.exe)

For re-install users:

**Solidworks must be shut down.**

  1. Uninstall previous version of AgileEC.>  Run AgileEC_x64 from “C:\AgileEC\components\install\” directory.

[pic 1]

[pic 2][pic 3]

[pic 4][pic 5]

[pic 6][pic 7]

[pic 8][pic 9]

  1. Delete “C:\Documents and Settings\username\AgileCache”
  1. Delete “C:\AgileEC”
  1. Copy “C:\Agile\wspaces” and place into “C:\”  (this is to ensure we don’t lose files in your workspace).
  1. Restart Computer.

For first time and re-install users:

**Solidworks must be shut down.**

Installing Agile EC Client:

  1. Locate your global site.

Global Folder access for each site:






1.1 Copy EC3.5 to C:\Users\username\Downloads

  1. Open C:\Users\username\Downloads\EC3.5\Installation.  Right-click and select Run as administrator… on setup_x64

NOTE:  In some cases, running the .exe will produce an error, because the installer actually found a newer C++ Runtime distributable on the machine.  If this is the case, run either AgileEC_x64.msi.

  1. The executable will search for any required C++ Runtime components that need to be installed.  If you are prompted with a window that resembles the following, click Install to proceed with the installation.[pic 10]

[pic 11]

[pic 12]

[pic 13]

Make sure to click Yes at any User Account Control prompts:

[pic 14][pic 15]

Once the prerequisites have been installed, you will see the following window.  This is the AgileEC installation.  Click Next to proceed with the installation.


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