Inteligencia Artificial
Enviado por fcoconstante • 19 de Enero de 2014 • 660 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 160 Visitas
Chapter Number 1 - Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach
The introduction on this chapter tell us that the AI or Artificial Intelligence is something new in different points of view and it has a lot of field to explore. We have to think how we think or how humans think, to reach that goal humans that born before us like Turing, Aristotle, etc. associate good think to reach the goal of make AI. The next section provide almost the history of AI since year 400 before Christ with Plato and the Philosophy which makes the firsts questions of how to think and where the knowledge comes or how we learn.
There are many topics that the book describe us like the mathematics and if the mathematics will help us to understand better the AI, they say that the logic, probability and computing will guide to create algorithms that make the AI take the right decision. Economy because the AI have to tell you which decision that the machine with AI work whit the maximum performance. In Psychology consider that the brain of the human possess and processes the information and how the brain takes decision of the situation that the brain is.
The topic of computer engineering is also important because to reach the goal of AI we need two things, the intelligence and the robot or machine that will execute the actions. But without some knowledge that comes thinking about AI, software of our time will not make or help de human like they do it today. Other Topic is the Linguistics that the machine will understand the actions to do but that is a problem to solve.
History of Artificial Intelligence Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts began with three sources, the physiology and the work of neurons in the brain and the theory of computing of Turing. In 1952 Arthur Samuel write a program that can win in the game of checkers that was a big step in AI. The AI was in the industry since 1980 with the program that helped configure orders for new computer systems, I was saving the company $40 million a year.
The systems of Artificial Intelligent that were development for web applications and we see it very common in the tools for internet like search engines, systems recommendation, and systems for the construction of Web portals.
The state of art describes a lot of topics that involves AI for example autonomous planning which helps to control the space ship with the remote agent, this agent receives the order form the earth and this agent execute that duty. Also in the topic of games that the machine can be the championship of chess, as well the following topics autonomous control, Language processing and troubleshooting, robotics and logistics planning.
The whole chapter number 1 defines cultural points of view of the AI and the people that study or will study this fantastic topic will decide if work under the knowledge of AI that is already established or whit a new thinking or developing with other parameter.