Introduction to IP Version 6
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Operating System
Introduction to IP Version 6
White Paper
Due to recent concerns over the impending depletion of the current pool of Internet addresses and the desire to provide additional functionality for modern devices, an upgrade of the current version of the Internet Protocol (IP), called IPv4, is in the process of standardization. This new version, called IP Version 6 (IPv6), resolves unanticipated IPv4 design issues and is poised to take the Internet into the 21st Century. This paper describes the problems of the IPv4 Internet and how they are addressed by IPv6, IPv6 addressing, the new IPv6 header and its extensions, the IPv6 replacements for the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), neighboring node interaction, and IPv6 address autoconfiguration. This paper provides a foundation of Internet standards-based IPv6 concepts and is intended for network engineers and support professionals who are already familiar with basic networking concepts and TCP/IP.
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IPv6 Features 2
New Header Format 2
Large Address Space 2
Efficient and Hierarchical Addressing and Routing Infrastructure 3
Stateless and Stateful Address Configuration 3
Built-in Security 3
Better Support for QoS 3
New Protocol for Neighboring Node Interaction 3
Extensibility 3
Differences Between IPv4 and IPv6 3
IPv6 Packets over LAN Media 5
Ethernet II Encapsulation 5
IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.5, and FDDI Encapsulation 5
Microsoft IPv6 Implementations 6
Microsoft Research IPv6 Implementation 6
Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000 7
The IPv6 Address Space 8
Current Allocation 8
IPv6 Address Syntax 9
Zero Compression 10
IPv6 Prefixes 10
Types of IPv6 Addresses 11
Links and Subnets 11
Unicast IPv6 Addresses 11
Aggregatable Global Unicast Addresses 12
Local-Use Unicast Addresses 13
Special IPv6 Addresses 15
Compatibility Addresses 15
NSAP and IPX Addresses 15
Multicast IPv6 Addresses 16
Solicited-Node Address 17
Anycast IPv6 Addresses 18
IPv6 Addresses for a Host 19
IPv6 Addresses for a Router 19
IPv6 Interface Identifiers 19
IEEE 802 Addresses 20
IEEE EUI-64 Addresses 21
Obtaining Interface Identifiers for IPv6 Addresses 21
Mapping IPv6 Multicast Addresses to Ethernet Addresses 23
IPv6 and DNS 24
The Host Address (AAAA) Resource Record 24
The IP6.INT Domain 24
IPv4 Addresses and IPv6 Equivalents 24
IPv4 Header 26
Structure of an IPv6 Packet 27
IPv6 Header 28
Extension Headers 28
Upper Layer Protocol Data Unit 28
IPv6 Header 28
Values of the Next Header Field 30
Comparing the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers 30
IPv6 Extension Headers 31
Extension Headers Order 32
Hop-by-Hop Options Header 32
Destination Options Header 33
Routing Header 34
Fragment Header 34
Authentication Header 36
Encapsulating Security Payload Header and Trailer 37
IPv6 MTU 37
Upper Layer Checksums 38
Types of ICMPv6 Messages 39
ICMPv6 Header 39
ICMPv6 Error Messages 40
Destination Unreachable 40
Packet Too Big 41
Time Exceeded 42
Parameter Problem 42
ICMP v6 Informational Messages 43
Echo Request 43
Echo Reply 43
Comparing ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Messages 44
Path MTU Discovery 45
Changes in Path MTU 45
Multicast Listener Query 46
Multicast Listener Report 47
Multicast Listener Done 48
Neighbor Discovery Message Format 50
Neighbor Discovery Options 51
Source/Target Link-Layer Address Option 51
Prefix Information Option 52
Redirected Header Option 54
MTU Option 54
Neighbor Discovery Messages 56
Router Solicitation 56
Router Advertisement 57
Neighbor Solicitation 59
Neighbor Advertisement 60
Redirect 62
Neighbor Discovery Processes 64
Address Resolution 64
Duplicate Address Detection 66
Router Discovery 68
Neighbor Unreachability Detection 70
Redirect Function 73
Host Sending Algorithm 76
Autoconfigured Address States 78
Types of Autoconfiguration 79
Autoconfiguration Process 79
For More Information 83
The current version of IP (known as Version 4 or IPv4) has not been substantially changed since RFC 791 was published in 1981.