Killer of clerk
Enviado por Carox • 7 de Febrero de 2016 • Apuntes • 471 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 122 Visitas
Killer of clerk
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- Lee la nota y de la misma extrae al menos 20 términos legales y busca su definición en el diccionario en línea (thefreelegaldictionary).
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Killer: a person or thing that kills.
Stab: to pierce with or as if with a pointed weapon.
Prosecutors: an attorney who conducts legal proceedings against a person, as in a court of law.
Freeway: an express highway with no intersections.
Declared: to make known.
Guilty: having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, esp. against morals or against the law.
Homicide: a person who kills another.
Stole: a piece of clothing worn by the clergy, made of a narrow strip of material and worn over the shoulder or shoulders.
Refute: to prove to be false or to be in error.
Condemned: to express an unfavorable judgment or opinion of.
Testifying: to state or declare under oath, usually in court.
Aggressor: the action of making unprovoked assaults or attacks against another.
Fingerprint: an impression of the markings of the tip of the thumb or other finger, esp. for purposes of identification.
Bail: money given to a court of law to guarantee that a person released from jail will return at an appointed time.
Judgment: the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion wisely.
Attorney: a lawyer.
Crime: an action considered harmful to the public good and legally prohibited.
Alleged: declared or stated to be as described.
Guilty: having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, esp. against morals or against the law.
Scene: the place where some action occurs or has occurred.
- What was the evidence that Fergundes left?
Fagundes left a set off bloody footprints at the scene.
- When did Fergundes plea?
I will plead guilty.
- How did Fergundes plea?
For not refuted, so I was found guilty and sentenced.
- How old was the victim?
48 years old.
- What was the result of the autopsy report?
Hussein was stabbed eight times in the head, neck and face, according to an autopsy report.
- What was the evidence against Arviso?
Detectives found Arviso's fingerprint on the door of the store and a knife blade at the scene.
- What were the charges against Fergundes?
Charges of manslaughter, robbery, burglary and false imprisonment.
- When did the crime happen?
In the early morning hours of Jan. 25, 2007.
- What is the difference between robbery and burglary?
The difference between robbery and burglary is that one is to take the property with violence, and the other is breaking and entering your home, office, etc.