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La Historia de Linux

Enviado por   •  8 de Febrero de 2014  •  Informe  •  342 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  171 Visitas

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We are all, potentially, great generators of ideas. Just as we are all potentially, as Mr. Bushnell notes, great takers of showers. The real challenge lies in giving expression to these ideas, in sharing and enriching them, and ultimately making them happen. Linux’s story is one of the great creative stories of our time — it’s the story of giving life to ideas. With that in mind, we offer three key insights into the creative lifecycle of ideas… _ Ideas come from itches… and dreams “It started from an itch,� recalls Linus Tor� ,� recalls Linus Tor� � recalls Linus Tor� valds, head of the Linux initiative. And like any small itch, the longer you leave it the bigger it gets — and the more it needs scratching. So it is with creative thinking, which often originates in the discovery of solutions to minor, day�to�day problems, practical frustrations and dissatisfactions rather than any kind of earth�shaking, revo� lutionary vision. Though that’s good, too. Linux’s real�life creative contribution goes further than mere software development — it speaks to a dream of freedom, autono� my, ingenuity and the belief that it’s possible to play with the big boys on the program� ming block. The evolution of Linux parallels the evolution of ideas generally: from the problem comes the idea, which then ignites the dream and fuels the project. The larger and crazier the dream, the more inspiring and mobilizing the project becomes. ” Which brings us to the second key to capi� talizing on creativity: you can dream small or dream big, just don’t dream alone. _ Ideas come from people To blossom and to spread, an idea needs to be nurtured. And more than anything, it needs to be shared. It’s time to let go the myth of the lone creative genius and acknowledge that great creators, discoverers and inventors are also social connectors and activators. Linux initially emerged from net


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