- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

MANUAL GV800 Configuracion De Tarjeta

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Viewing Live Video Using


With Microsoft Internet Exp lorer at the remote PC , it is possi ble to view live videos, download and play

back video files, mana ge systems within the security netwo rk, control PTZ came ra and I/O de vices via

the W e bC am server.

Before st artin g the W e bC am, make sure your system meets the followin g minimu m requirem ent s:

OS Windows 2000 , Windo ws XP, Server 2003

CPU Pentium 4, 2.0G

Memory 256MB RAM

Hard Disk 60GB

VGA NVIDIA GeFo rce II 32MB, 1024x7 68 screen resolu tion

Network TCP/IP

Web Browse r IE6.0, Net scape Navig ator (with limited f unctio nality)

Dire ctX Ve rsion 9.0 o r above

Configuring W ebCam Server

GV-System is built-in with a web sever . Click the Network button, and then sele ct We bC am Serv er

to display the following Se rver Setup dial og box.

We bCam Server Settings

The Server S e tup dialog bo x cont ains these ta bs : (1 ) General, (2 ) Server , (3 ) Video, (4) RPB, (5) Audio,

(6)JPG a nd (7) 3G.

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Cha pter 6: Vi e win g Live V id eo Usi ng Web Cam


F igu re 6 - 1 Server Setup- General

[WebC a m Options ]

„ Enhance ne twork se curity : Check this item to enh ance network security on We bC am.

Please n o te whe n the feature is e nabl ed , the use r s us ing ea rlier versi on than 8.0 cannot access

We bCa m ap plica tio ns a n y mor e .

„ Enable IP White List: Create a list of IP addre s ses allowed to co nne ct to We bC am. For

details , see IP White List Settings later in this c hapter.

„ Enable Rem ote Control: Check this item to use Remote Confi guration an d Enable/Disable

I/O functions on WebCam.

[Fram e Page T itle Color] Select the color of date, time and camera st amp s on the frame.


Server ]

Figure 6 - 2 Server Setup- Server

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Cha pter 6: Vi e win g Live V id eo Usi ng Web Cam

[ R un Ge oHTTP Se r ve r] Enable Ge o-developed HTTP serve r or use your o wn HTTP server .

Comm and Port is the port us ed to ac cess We bC am, and Data Po rt is the port used to transfer d a ta

over Internet.

[Enable SSL ] Enable the Secure Socket s Laye r (SS L ) protoc ol to ensure the security and privacy of

Internet conn ection.

[De t ec t UPn P] For detai ls, see UPnP Settings later in this c hapter.


Figure 6-3 Serve r Setup- Video

„ Max. Channe l(s): Specify the number of channels allowe d to access WebCam , with the upp er

limit of 200 chann els.

„ Max on-line time for guest users : Specify the time length allowed for a gue st use r to con n ec t

to We bC am. The time range is bet wee n 10 to 3600 secon d s.

„ Max Image s ize: Select a resolution. The default resolu tion on We bC am i s 3 20 x 240. If you

want to apply the 640 x 480 (De-in terla c e) or 720 x 480 (De-in terla c e) resolution, you also have to

config ure Video Source. Click the C onfig ure button on the main screen, and then sel e ct Video

Source. In the V ideo Resolution field, select 640 x 240 or high er resol u tion s, and then click OK

to apply .

„ Codec: WebCam pr ovid es two cod e c option s : Geo Mpeg4 a nd Geo H2 64.

„ Allo w ed PTZ camera: The option allows you to control selected PTZ camera s at a remote

computer . Click the bu tton and sele ct the desire d PTZ cam e ra s to work on WebCam.

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Cha pter 6: Vi e win g Live V id eo Usi ng Web Cam


F igu re 6 - 4 Server Setup- RPB

This featur e is used to prevent ov erload ing on sl ower networks.

„ Max. Channe l(s): Specify the number of channels allowe d to download to a client PC.

„ Bandw idt h Control: Ena b le and spe c ify the rate of data to be tran sferre d over network. The

option ef fecti vely controls the ban dwidth being u s ed b y the W ebCam serve r.


Connectin g Audio Devices

Via W e bC am, you can a c cess live audio at a remote site and t a lk to the serve r site . This feature is

useful whe n the rem o te site req u ires speaki ng to the person nel at the server site in ca se of e merge nc y.

Before us ing this feature, make su re all the necessary hardw are are in place:

1. If you purcha s e a BNC conne ctor GV-System, conn ec t the audio e xtend card to the system (see

Cha p ter 2 in the Ins tallation Guide). If you purcha s e a D-type con nector GV-Sy s tem, audio

extensio n ca ble lines sho uld come avail able with the D-Type exten s ion cables . For GV-1 000, the

audio card mu st be pu rcha sed sepa ratel y.

2. Make sure your sound card is alrea d y inside the computer . Con n ec t a multimed ia spe a ker to the

audio ou tput of your computer ’s sou nd card.

3. Con n ec t a de skto p microphone to the input of the audio extensio n card (or cable l ine).

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Cha pter 6: Vi e win g Live V id eo Usi ng Web Cam

Audio Setup

Figure 6-5 Serve r Setup- Audio

[Serv e r to Client] Allows a client PC to access live audio fro m the serve r site.

„ Max. Channe l(s): Enter the number of client PCs al lowed to access live audio, with the upper

limit of 40 PCs.

„ Codec Select ion: Select the audio co dec. ADPCM require s 4KByte bandwidth, while G.723

require s only 0.66KByte bandwidth. But ADPCM of fers mu ch b e tter audio q ualit y than G .723.

[Clien t to Se rv er] Allows a client PC to s p eak to the s e rver s ite.

„ Max. Channe l(s): Enter the number of client PCs al lowed to spea k to the se rv er site, with t he

upper limit of 20 PCs.

„ Codec Select ion: The same as the above Co dec Selection.

„ Port: The de fault audio p o rt is 655 0.

Note : If your serve r site i s inst


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