- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  20 de Octubre de 2013  •  396 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  273 Visitas

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Nowadays, technological designs tend to be highly complex and involve synergistic integration from many areas of engineering. Mechatronics has been attracting not only manufacturers, but also engineers, developers, researchers, and academicians. Besides being complex, new technological designs also involve photonics, computronics and communication. They have also become a risk endeavor because of the lack of knowledge and experience on interdisciplinary subjects and methods. Mechatronics uses the power of logical integration combined with action and cooperation to result in effectiveness and productivity.

What is mechatronics?

Mechatronics is an emerging field of engineering that integrates electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, control engineering and information technology. The name stems from mechanical and electronics and is a relatively new approach to product design and development, merging the principles of electrical, mechanical, computer and industrial engineering. It combines these areas of engineering to allow the design, development and application of "smart devices" in an integrated, cross-disciplinary manner.

Mechatronic systems are composed of traditional mechanical and electrical components but are referred to as "smart" devices or systems because of the incorporation of sensors, actuators and computer control systems.

Functions of Mechatronics

The application or function mainly given to mechatronics is mainly the opportunity to the persons working on a project, that can be engineers, architect, etc., and visualize what changes need to be done to the project or what objects need to be added to make it more stable or more resistant, besides seeing your project physically instead of just a drawing can help you to have more ideas about how to make it more efficient or other qualities that the user wants to give

Objectives of Mechatronics

1. Have a strong foundation in science and focus in mechanical, electronics, control, software, and computer engineering, and a solid command of the newest technologies.

2. Be able to design, analyze, and test “intelligent” products and processes that incorporate appropriate computing tools, sensors, and actuators.

3. Be able to demonstrate professional interaction and communicate effectively with team members.

4. Be able to work efficiently in multidisciplinary teams.

5. Practice professional and ethical responsibility, and, be aware of the impact of their designs on human-kind and the environment.


Mechatronics is an integration of mechanical and electrical engineers that study the development of smart devices which perform improved functions for the new technologies. So, Mechatronics will be an important part in the development of new devices and technologies now


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