- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  29 de Noviembre de 2014  •  303 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  176 Visitas

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SEER proporciona una estimación de los valores principales de un proyecto de desarrollo o mantenimiento evolutivo respecto de Bases de Datos de mercado, contrastadas por las principales organizaciones.

SEER proporciona la mejor estimación un proyecto basada en los valores de tu instalación.

SEER for Software (SEER-SEM) is an algorithmic project management software application designed specifically to estimate, plan and monitor the effort and resources required for any type of software development and/or maintenance project. SEER, which comes from the noun, referring to one having the ability to foresee the future, relies on parametric algorithms, knowledge bases, simulation-based probability, and historical precedents to allow project managers, engineers, and cost analysts to accurately estimate a project's cost schedule, risk and effort before the project is started.

Group of Models

SEER for Software (SEER-SEM) is composed of a group of models working together to provide estimates of effort, duration, staffing, and defects. These models can be briefly described by the questions they answer:

• Sizing. How large is the software project being estimated (Lines of Code, Function Points, Use Cases, etc.)

• Technology. What is the possible productivity of the developers (capabilities, tools, practices, etc.)

• Effort and Schedule Calculation. What amount of effort and time are required to complete the project?

• Constrained Effort/Schedule Calculation. How does the expected project outcome change when schedule and staffing constraints are applied?

• Activity and Labor Allocation. How should activities and labor be allocated into the estimate?

• Cost Calculation. Given expected effort, duration, and the labor allocation, how much will the project cost?

• Defect Calculation. Given product type, project duration, and other information, what is the expected, objective quality of the delivered software?

• Maintenance Effort Calculation. How much effort will be required to adequately maintain and upgrade a fielded software system?

• Progress. How is the project progressing and where will it end up. Also how to replan.

• Validity. Is this development achievable based on the technology involved?


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