Enviado por oscarcachadito • 8 de Abril de 2016 • Documentos de Investigación • 340 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 87 Visitas
CASO 01:
package javaapplication7;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* @author Alumno
public class JavaApplication7 {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
//. TODO code application logic here
String strvarA;
String strvarB;
String strvarC;
String strvarD;
int intvarA;
int intvarB;
int intvarC;
double D;
double AA;
double DD;
double x1;
double x2;
double RE;
double IM;
strvarA = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("ingrese varA");
strvarB = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("ingrese varB");
strvarC = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("ingrese varC");
intvarA = Integer.parseInt(strvarA);
intvarB = Integer.parseInt (strvarB);
intvarC = Integer.parseInt (strvarC);
D = intvarB^2-4*intvarA*intvarC;
DD = Math.sqrt(D);
AA = (2*intvarA);
if (D >= 0){
x1 = (-intvarB+DD)/AA;
x2 = (-intvarB-DD)/AA;
System.out.println("La ecuacion tiene raices reales:" + x1 + x2);
else {
RE = -intvarB/AA;
IM = DD/intvarA*2;
System.out.println("La ecuacion tiene raices complejas conjuugadas :");
System.out.println("Parte real :" + RE);
System.out.println("Parte imaginaria :" + IM); }
CASO 02:
package javaapplication1;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* @author alumno
public class JavaApplication1 {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
String strnota1;
String strnota2;
String strnota3;
int intnota1;
int intnota2;
int intnota3;
int promedio;
strnota1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Ingrese nota 1");